mardi 5 février 2013

How much does stages fights cost in Hull???

Nous aurons droit a un bon match d'hockey ce soir étant donné que les Rempart sont en ville ce soir.   Ont peut s'attendre a une "crowd" de 3000 j'imagine, ont le sait bien, si c'est pas Patrick Roy ou un superstar d'un autre équipe en ville ont ce retrouve avec des fausses foule de 2400 comme les deux derniers matchs!!!

Vous avez surement devinez qu'avec un titre comme celui ci-haut, je ne vais pas vous parler des Remparts ou de nos deux dernières victoires a domicile!!!

Nope, je suis plus tot dans une "mood" aujourd'hui pour vous mettre puce a l'oreille de ce que j'ai entendu ré vais pas commencer a pointer du doigt l'organisation ou même le monsieur en question car j'ai aucune preuve a ce que j'apporte a la table via mon blogue d'aujourd'hui...

Ce que j'ai par exemple c'est un motif, un autre histoire qui semble et ressemble a ceux que j'ai entendu par le passé....en autre ce pourrait très bien que ça soit vrai...avec tout ce que nous avons entendu dans les dernières années....cette dernière Groulx-rie "fit" comme un couteau dans le beurre avec les dernières que nous avons entendu....ou vécu!!!

Je vous ramène au match contre Drummondville de la semaine passé...tout le monde ce souvient du début de match....double stage fighting...Chapman et Sheppard ont mit le ton au match avec deux combats de gladiateur...."The way we like him in Hull"!!!

So good.....right!?!?!  Well...depends on how you see the entire story!!!

Naturellement la "mou mou" LHJMQ a mis les deux clubs a l'amende 1000$ "pour avoir rendu le match un brin intéressant"....facture qui a été par les propriétaires du club....right!?!?  Ummmmm Wrong!!!

Je m'explique....

D'après l'information que j'ai reçu et je vous dirai pas de qui elle provient, mais c'est une valeur certaine...l'histoire tient car j'ai reçu une confirmation des deux extrimité de l'histoire...

Il serait bien de noté que TOUT LES JOUEURS DE L'EQUIPE ont été mis a l'amende pour un montant de 50$ pour régler la facture émise par la LHJMQ.

J'ai quelques questions a posé au coach ou a la personne qui a décidé d'agir ainsi!!

-Pourquoi que des joueurs junior entre les age de 16 et 20 ans devrait être privé de leur seul allocation???

-Si punition il y avait...pourquoi ne pas les faire patiner ou jogger pendant des heures ou changer l'heure du curfew???

- Comment ce fait-il que le match commençais avec deux stages fights et que le coach n'était pas au courant?!?!?! 

-Comment ce fait-il que Humpdty n'a pas encore le controle sur ses joueurs a ce point ci de l'année???

J'ai souvent mentionné au courant des dernières années et lors de son premier "stint" a Hull que Groulx était un individu assez facile a hair...autant pour les joueurs que les partisans...lorsque j'entends des situations de la situation mon sang bouille!!!

Le monsieur aime avoir le controle et montrer a tout le monde c'est qui "le boss", je peux comprendre j'approuve a leader is good enough to sail a great boat into high waters....that's if he has a team that believes in him!!!  It's one thing for a coach to be an asshole and to be respected for's another thing when the team thinks you're asshole and don't give a horse's ass about you or you're ways of coaching!!!

Il y avait une petite madame que je connaissais très bien aux Olympiques qui ne vais plus du tout aux games à cause de Groulx-rie semblable a celle que je viens de partager avec vous aujourd'hui!!!

J'ai pas faite ce blogue pour crapper Groulx ou défendre les joueurs....ou whatever reasons some of you guys might think.  Je me suis faite mettre puce a l'oreille de cette information que je qualifie de troublante et je me sentais obliger de la partager avec vous...confirmé ou non, elle ne peut pas être inventer car elle ressemble beaucoup aux autres Groulx-rie que j'ai entendu par le passé...certaines poster ici, certaine sur d'autre certaines ont rester de l'information que j'ai garder pour moi-même!!!

J'ai jamais été impressionner par le personnage de Groulx et je le saurai surement jamais, je donne au coach ce que le coach ce mérite de recevoir...le crédit que je lui donne est souvent par rapport a ses victoires et ses Coupes....les commentaires négatif vienne a cause des "moves" de Bezeau, a ne pas gèrer ses gardien, a nous dire le genre d'hockey qu'on n'aime a Hull et ensuite nous donner l'inverse comme "show down"....mais abuser du maigre salaire de joueurs junior entre les age de 16 et 20 ans...c'est abérant....

Quand j'était un joueur j'aimais avoir un coach présent, actif, faché, en Cali$$ name pouvait me sacrer après, bitcher faire tout le j'etait présent la game j'adore le hockey et j'en mange...ça toujours pas changer aujourd'hui....quand j'entends des histoires d'imposer les joueurs 50$ car deux de leur coéquipier ont décidé d'aller a la guerre et donner un "show" aux fans....ça me pu au nez et ça me donne le gout de "puker" directement sur la porte du bureau des Olympiques...

Demandez-vous pas pourquoi les foules baisses a Guertin...clairement je ne dois pas être la seule personne à être au courant de ce qui ce passe "Backstage" desfois...vous me croyez pas...demandez a la tite madame qui ne vient plus aux matchs et encore mieux....demandez lui la raison du pourquoi elle ne vient plus aux matchs!!!

Two thumbs way down!!!  That stinks the joint for real!!!

Keep dropping the gloves kids, it's part of the game!!!

17 commentaires:

  1. Voici ce que j'ai trouve sur le site de la LHJMQ.
    Ce n'est pas pour les bagarres de Drummond, mais celles de Rouyn.

    Lors de partie du dimanche 1er septembre, les Olympiques de Hull recevaient
    les Huskies de Rouyn-Noranda. Chacune des deux équipes se voit imposer une
    amende de 1000,00$ pour une sixième bagarre au cours de la rencontre.

  2. Ahh oki, mais none the less j'aimerais arriver au bout du tunnel sur cette histoire des joueurs qui ont payé la facture!!! J'accuse personne via mon blogue...mais j'aimerais une réponse finale sur la situation...

  3. I'm wrong ....
    Ca semble etre des parties en Septembre 2002 ????
    Si tu peux enlever le post, vasy-y

  4. Je trouve ca bizarre qu'ils ne parlent pas d'amendes sur le site LHJMQ. Habituellement, ils en parlent.

  5. As I noted before, only to have Leblanc once again accuse me of a conspiracy theory, a lot of people were involved in the staged fights at the beginning of the Drummondville game.


    Recall what happened. The players were ready to go and then a couple of them changed positions. They were planning fights, of course. The referees refused to tall them to go back where they were, which they are supposed to do. So, the referees saw the fights coming and decided not to do their jobs. At this point both Groulx and the Drummondville coach were entitled to challenge the referees, but did not. Next, at the last second a Drummondville player jumps onto the ice and another player skates off. This second player was intent upon fighting, of course. As he skated into position he tapped one of our boys to give him the signal. Again the referees chose not to stop this illegal, late change, something they normally would do. So for a second time on the play, the referees saw fights coming and chose to break the rules to allow them. And again, at this point in time Groulx was perfectly entitled to challenge the referees on allowing the late, illegal change. But he did not do so. Why? The answer is obvious, he was preparerd to allow the staged fights to take place. He is not idiot, he knew what was coming and chose to stand there and watch rather than pull his boys back and challenge the referee about the illegal, late change. Therefore Groulx shares responsibility for the staged fights.

    So, if what you say about the fines is true, what does this tell you about our coach?

  6. I would like to comment on the Quebec game. As you said earlier, a win is a win... but we stunk, it was just that Quebec stunk worse. This is not the calibre of Quebec team we have been used to seeing over the years.

    We made so many bad passes and givaways that it was unbelievable. Langlois lead the way and played one of the worst hockey games I have ever seen anyone play. Now, the reason for the givaways is simple, most of our players were holding on to the puck too long. They all looked like a bunch of Maxime Mallettes. It was as if they all knew there were a bunch of scouts watching so they were trying to impress them with how well they handle the puck. There was no team effort as a result.

    Both teams took so many dumb penalties that it was ridiculous. Our power play continues to be an absolute disgrace. The only good thing I can say about this game is that there were no fights.

    Another thing is this. The ice was very bad. This seems odd given how cold the weather is, and it was cool inside the building. The ice looked and reacted like it does when the weather is hot and humid. Is there a problem with the new ice making system? The sloppy ice did not help the sloppy game.

    To his credit, Steeves did make some good saves. But this guy gives up more rebounds than a basketball backboard, and often juggles and mishandles the puck. I still have no confidence in him.

  7. Tu appelles cela régis interne et règlements d'équipe

  8. HFL, considérant que c'est Groulx qui a repliquer a l'alignement partant de Drummond, je doute qu'il réplique avec des amendes au joueurs. Il aurait pu commencer le match avec Poirier, Hyka , Reway... ;)

  9. Hold on now Leblanc, are you suggesting that Groulx was involved in a conspiracy to stage fights at the beginning of that game?

  10. If a game starts with two stages fights and both coaches are not aware of this, I would be the first one to REALLY be surprised!!!

    I want to know one thing...regardless if its the game against Rouyn or the Drummond game...we're players fined 50$ each...yes or no???

    Stooy...if a guy like Clermont who was in between being a starter and a back up for 5 freaking years did good in the playoffs, I have full confidence that a proven starter like Steeves since the age of 17 can do the job. Keep in mind that Clermont had a much better team in front of him and again he wasn't able to goaltend in the first Lacerte did the job to then never see the ice again!!!

  11. Stooy, Groulx just replied to the opponents that started with their tough guys. No conspiracy, it's hockey. No different then matching lines.
    He replied with what was best for his team. In this case, he decided that he didn't want an other team to bully his team around.

  12. Hull4Life ... the only one who know for sure are the players and coaches. Any other person can make things up. Personally, I find this hard to believe.

  13. I hope you guys are right about Steeves, but I am not convinced. He lets in too many bad goals, and he gives up WAY too many rebounds. He is a very average goalie.

    I remember a game about 4 seasons ago, Drummonville of course, and we dressed two guys who had never played for us before, and who never played for us again. They both started the game. One of them had a fight when the dropped the puck to start the game, then when they tried again the other one had a fight. Neither of them got another shift in an Olympiques uniform. I guess Groulx was just matching lines Leblanc?

    Face it, they stage fights, why do you not like to admit it, you guys love fights anyway, right? So why do you not respond to me, who cares Stooy if they stage fights? Instead you refuse to recognize the obvious?? Very bizarre!!

  14. Depends on your definition of a staged fight. If you are saying the both teams came in the rink that day, knowing that the game was going to start with fights then yes it's staged. If you are saying that Drummond started the game with enforcers and when Groulx saw the lineup, he decided that he didn't want Drummond to intimidate his team, so he decided to put Chaps and Sheppard on the ice, then no, I don't call it staged. It's a reactionary move by the coach. Yes, maybe he had more time to think about it then in the heat of the game, but it's still a reaction to a move by the other team. No preps... it just happens and you react/respond with what you think is best.

  15. Any fight is staged if the players agree in advance to have a fight as soon as the puck drops. If someone lands a cheap shot and another player jumps in, this is not a staged fight, but a fight in reaction to what happens during play. So, in this case with Drummondville there were two staged fights at the same time.

    As you know, I do not like fights in hockey games, I do not think they are needed, and they certainly cause play to get sloppy. But I am willing to accept the fights that happen as a result of a cheap shot during play, I am willing to admit that maybe they are necessary. I am not, however, willing to accept or believe to be necessary the staged fights. Staged fights like the two at the beginning of the Drummondville are ridiculous. They were not caused by a cheap shot, they were not caused by intense play, how could they be, the game had just started? They were simply staged as an attraction.

    Therefore I walked out.

  16. I should add that some staged fights are simply a matter of the two players agreeing in advance to have a fight when the puck is dropped. But other staged fights involve the coach and perhaps the entire organization.

    When there are two staged fights at the same time, with a last minute change and a tap when skating by, the staged fights certainly involve the coaches as well.

    As happened a few years ago, with two guys who never played a shift with the Olympiques except to stage fights at the beginning of the game, it seems likely to me that the organization was involved. I doubt whether a coach would do that on his own.

  17. Well now, with free tickets to three upcoming games, it will be very interesting indeed to see if the team stages a few extra fights in order to entice the fans to keep coming back, or whether they will stick to hockey in the belief that this would be the best way to keep the fans coming back for more.
