mardi 19 février 2013

Match inquiétant

Nous avons eu droit hier à une performance inquiétante de la part de notre formation.  C'est le genre de match qui nous fallais gagner.  Rendu au mois de février, les matchs inter-division mérite une attention spéciale de la part du "gros" fan de l'équipe...c'est le genre de match qui nous raffonlons de voir!!!

Can we say....FAIL for last night!?!?!

Premièrement, la dernière chose que je croyais vivre hier était un peux pas comprendre pourquoi nous étions le club qui parraissait fatiguer sur la patinoire quand c'est Drummond qui terminait une séquence de 3 matchs en 3 soirs!!!

Mon ami avait amener son livre a la partie....I guess I should of taken that has a warning!!!

Encore une autre fois, 0 en 4 sur la power-play.  C'est rendu ridicule...a remarquer lorsque nous bougeons la rondelle...chaque joueur joue avec la rondelle 2 secondes avant d'éxécuter sa passe.  Une question de timing assurément....mais nous voyons la même chose a chaque match.  Je vois pas pourquoi Hyka tir en malade du spot a Steve Stamkos...ça te prend un boulet de canon pour tirer de là et une vitesse d'éxécution du restant des passeurs...chose que nous avons pas!!!

C'est inquiétant de perdre ce genre de match, et c'est doublement frustrant d'avoir droit a une mauvaise performance de notre club et d'un match plate "to boot"!!!

C'est difficile de vendre un spectacle quand celui-ci ce vend pas de lui-même!!!  Les gens aime voir de l'action....hier il n'y avait rien n'a ce mettre sous la dent.

Plusieurs revirement dans notre zone en début de match, peu d'intensité et 10 minutes dans le match nous avions une bonne idée de quel genre de show nous allions avoir droit en ce dimanche glaciale.

Avec un peu plus d'opportunisme nous aurions pu prendre les devant en première période, surtout lorsque nous avons bénéficier d'un avantage numérique de 4 minutes....résultat deux tirs au but.  Je suis surpris de la patience de la crowd cette l'autre coté je me pose aussi la question si elle "care" encore!!!!

Ajouter a cela quelques punitions en zone offensive pour ce tirer dans le pied et vous avez devant vous une piètre performance et une défaite de 3-0...contre un club que nous aurions du battre chez nous!!!

Si faut que les Tigres nous battre va falloir ce réveiller tot mercredi matin pour me trouver des excuses convainquantes a c'est deux défaites la...

Deux gros points de perdu hier...deux gros autres points en jeu demain...

Ont doit absolument jouer du meilleur hockey et arrêter de perdre a domicile...les playoffs semble arriver trop rapidement...pour une 2e année de suite....j'ai l'impression qu'on va arriver en série de reculons!!!

Somebody yelled in the crowd...."Ailllllle Grrrrrrrrrrrroulx ton power-play te ressemble...yé out of shape"!!!

I wonder who that was!!!???  Yeah yeah...flush the toilet on the last comment.... I say flush the entire game with it why don't ya!!!

Keep dropping the gloves kids, it's part of the game!!!

12 commentaires:

  1. As you note, and as I have said often, the Guertin crowd is way too soft on the team. Once again they should have been BOOOOOOED out of the building, but they were not. It reminds me of the old Toronto Maple Leaf fans when Harrold Ballard owned the team. They absolutely stunk year after year, every game was a sellout, and when asked about the BAD team all Ballard would say is... "the seats are sold out aren't they?"

    Well guess what Sear...

    Steeves was terrible, he put another goal into his own net, he was badly out of position on their first goal... Brassard should be our starter.

    Once again you say they were tired??? Ya right, they were hung over again- how often does this have to happen before you will see the obvious truth for what it is?

    As you say, the power-play does not exist, it never has, Groulx has NO ability to coach an effective power play, he never has!!

    Tonight is a big game, we will see if we show up hung over or ready to play.

  2. Gang d'Anglais sale.. Une honte calisse!

  3. @Anonymous
    Si t'as rien a dire .... "decalisse" !!!!
    Stooy fait souvent des efforts pour ecrire ou nous parler en Francais.
    J'ai plus honte de Quebecois comme toi qui ne savent pas vivre et respeter les gens d'autres cultures.

  4. Like I said Stooy...the crowd is not booooooing because there level of care has diminish so much over the years!!!

    I'm not taking away Groulx's abillity to coach a succesful hockey team...but I will say this...both jobs for him is way too much responsabilities and we're paying has fans for the second year in a row!!

    Add to that the extremely boring hockey and we have crowds of 2000 people sitting and sleeping throughout hockey games!!!

    I don't believe the boys are drinking and partying...specially not under Groulx's watch...but I do believe that half of them don't want to play for him just Lafontaine felt...and I also believe that a well balanced hockey team, like Drummond can contain our best players easily...

    If the game is rough...Hyka and Reway become turtles....Poirier can do one thing well...and that's skate full blast in one direction then cut to the net....that's is entire game...then there's Reggy, am I the only one noticing that this guy scores only against the bad teams or when the good team have an off night!!!

    I was boiling mad after the Drummond game....if we lose again will reflect upon this blog!!! I'm actually getting mad now just talking about the last game!!!

  5. Merci OlympiquesFan.

    I think you are right that there must be a number of players who do not want to play for Groulx. We have experienced this in the past with lots of players, and sometimes with almost the entire team. The playoffs in the spring of 2007 when we went out to Rouyn is a perfect example. You and I also watched together two playoff games in Drummondville a couple of years ago where it was clear that the team was not trying to win the games. At the time I speculated that it was because Groulx was playing Clermont and not Lacerte. Whatever the reason, sometimes Groulx's players refuse to play for him, this is for sure.

    You were the first to say it years ago, and I have been agreeing for all of this year. Groulx is a bad GM. He should only be coaching.

    Sadly, this team simply lacks character. I guess Groulx is a hit or miss type of coach. The character we showed last time we won it, and then two years ago when the Dogs barely beat us in the finals, was incredible!! But as good as those years were, this one is just as bad.

    I think what you say about certain players only playing well against the less physical teams is true, no doubt about it.

    One difference between you and I is that I don't get mad when we stink the joint out. :) I prefer that we work hard and show character, but it not... well, hockey is not a matter of life and death, it is just a game. :)

    But if the boys don't work hard tonight I might try to get a big round of booooooooooooes going. Maybe it is as you say, the crowd does not care enough to boo. Very sad.

    I just hope that the future of the franchise is not in trouble.

  6. Attention H4L !!!!
    Anonymous va penser que tu es un "Esti d'Anglais sale" !!!

  7. Let us hope and pray that Hyka will be fine.

    I think we are running out of words to describe this team. Steeves continues to demonstrate to me that he should not be our starter. Groulx must believe this by now, but probably keeps putting him in so that his trade does not look worse and worse. He is the kind of coach who will do what is obviously wrong so as to save face.

    Again, we played like we were hung over. Or, as you suggest, that we are simply unwilling to play for this coach. Whatever the problem, it is serious. This team has no guts, no character, no spirit. It looked like they had turned things around, but now we are back to our old tricks. This is such a pathetic hockey team!

    I would not be suprized to see us play better on the road this weekend, but who cares really?

    I wonder how many season's ticket holders will not bother to buy their playoff tickets?

    1. I disagree with you about Groulx saving face. That guy benches/cuts/ trades away more players that he traded for himself then any other person in hockey. He has no pride when it comes to the players he traded for. Half the time he doesn't even play them. Take Bent for example. He obviously isn't a big fan..but strangely he is the one that traded for him...

    2. You are probably right. But he certainly is in the habit of sticking with his second-best goaltenders far too long. In the end it worked with Clermont though, maybe it will work with Steeves too.

  8. Moi aussi, j'expecte Hull4life sera calme et rationale. :)
