lundi 28 janvier 2013

Ont se tire dans le pied!!!

Le titre de ce blogue est représentatif du fait que nous semblons être incapable de jouer la même "game" à la maison que sur la route!!!

Après nos deux derniers voyages dans les maritimes et dans l'extreme est du Québec (Chicout's et Baie-Comeau)....le plus commun des mortels Hullois s'attendait a voir son club, Les Piques, livrer la marchandise ce week-end à Guertin....right?!?!.......Ummmmmmm.....No, Wrong....and big time!!!

Nous avons perdu 13-4 au chapitre des buts!!!

L'excuse de la fatigue a été utiliser pour le cuisant revers face à l'Océanic vendredi soir (7-1), chose qui était acceptable jusqu'à un certain degré.  Disons que la température de mon thermo-Mentrie monte un peu quand je me fait dire que nous étions fatigué vendredi soir...mais apparement en pleine santé jeudi après-midi pour tenir une pratique!?!?!

Si fatigue il y avait, chose très possible.....pourquoi étions nous entrer de faire des cercles sur la patinoire a 3 Pm au lieu de faire dodo!?!?!  Me semble que c'est dur a suivre!!!

Parlant de dur a suivre, nous pensions que la situation des gardiens était réglé et nous voila encore une autre fois dans l'obscurité.  Steeves livre une performance plus que moyenne vendredi et Brassard, qui revenait d'un fort match a Baie-Comeau, (pas autant que ce que les tirs au buts l'indiquait a Baie-Comeau, mais quand même un bon match) c'est complétement faite dominer hier par les Voltigeurs.

J'aime bien le kid Brassard, il travaille fort, il est toujours en mouvement...mais My God....quelqu'un peut lui montrer a ce déplacer de gauche à droite et vice versa sans complétement ce compromettre?!?!!  Les Voltigeurs lui ont jouer le tour à 4 reprises hier....that's the game right there.

De notre coté, nos gros joueurs n'ont pas profiter de leur occasion de marquer et Guindon pour Drummond a été extremement solide.

J'ai regardé le match de Hull-Baie-Comeau via Telus HD, le HD veut dire (horrible définition) et si je le compare avec celui que nous avons vu hier....j'en conclu ceci:

Les Voltigeurs nous ont jouer le même tour que nous avons jouer au Drakkar mardi passé.  C'était des "momentum games"...les buts et les arrêts clées était au rendez-vous et ceux-ci affectait de beaucoup la rencontre.  A Baie-Comeau, nous avons frapper 4 fois en deuxième période....Reggy trois fois!!!  Brassard a fait les arrêt clée qu'il a pas fait meilleurs sont venu une fois le match quasi-terminé.

L'avantage numérique et le désavantage numérique que j'ai vu a Baie-Comeau et Chicoutimi n'est jamais revenu du voyage...l'avons-nous perdu en chemin???

Ont peut pas dire que nous avons fermer le jeu hier...c'était wide-open a certain moment...nous nous sommes présenter seul devant Guindon au moins 3 fois, sans jamais marquer une seule fois!!!  Nous avons eu en masse de power-play pour faire du dommage.  Pourquoi sommes nous pas capable de compter a gagner???!!!

Comment ce fait-il que le match commence avec des excellents combats et qu'ensuite nous sommes pas capable de capitaliser sur ce momentum???  Nous sommes de calibre avec les Voltigeurs, nos meilleurs joueurs devrait être meilleur que les leurs chez nous!!!  Ou était Poirier, Burke, Reway et Reggy hier???  J'ai vu Hyka ce donner a plein patin a quelques reprise et comme d'habitude MON CAPITAINE Chapman a livrer la marchandise avec un Gordie Howe special...mais that's it.

Je trouve que l'ont force le jeu à la maison lorsque l'ont tente d'ouvrir celui-ci.  Nos prise de décisions sur la route semble être plus intelligente qu'à la maison, Deslauriers est un excellent exemple pour prouver ce point.  Il c'est fait prendre 2 fois hier en tentant de soit forcer le jeu ou ce porter a l'attaque à un mauvais moment.

Les arbitres ont pratiquement égalé les punitons des deux cotés, mais leur performance était lamentable.  Il ont affecter le score final du match et arbitrer en jambon.  Groulx leur a dit et moi aussi....rien de nouveau dans ce cas!!!  Faut tu être assez stupide pour donner un 5 min a Langlois pour coup a la tête.  Clairement le coup était "lower body" et clairement le joueur de Drummond a embellis la situation...j'espère que la ligue sera plus brillante lorsqu'elle visonnera LE video!!!

La fête a Hully n'était peut-être pas le carnaval de Québec, mais disons que ses amis ont amener une certaine ambiance à la's good for the kids!!!  Il faudrait maintenant faire quelques petites choses pour les partisans régulier....surtout les détenteurs de billet de saison qui supporte le club depuis plusieurs années. 

Phil Denis a mentionné qu'Hully est née en 1998....c'est pas la première fois que je le est née en 1997 avant notre premier match contre Oshawa, j'ajoute qu'il était en meilleur "shape" dans le temps...notre Hully semble avoir pris de la bédaine dans les 16 dernières années.  Il devrait faire les voyages et mes "morning skate" ça lui ferait un grand bien....encore la, pas certain que Groulx voudrait l'endurer dans le "bus"....;---)  Me semble le voir taper sur le bord de l'autobus pendant qu'on "tank" celui-ci a Hudson!!!

Anyways, il est difficile de comprendre comment que Drummondville peut perdre deux matchs en deux soirs et ensuite venir chez nous pour nous surprendre et pratiquement nous sortir d'un match qui semblait ce diriger vers le film slap shot a un certain moment donné!!!

Reposons-nous pour vendredi, jamais je croirer qu'un Saint-Jean sans Huberdeau pourrait nous jouer le même tour!!!  Encore la, who knows???  J'ai aussi de la difficulté a croire qu'un gardien peut rester dans les filets pour 7 buts sur 27 tirs et pourtant nous l'avons vécu vendredi soir!!! J'ai beaucoup de difficulté à comprendre quelle genre d'équipe nous avons par moment, je me demande si Groulx ce gratte la tête des fois pour les mêmes questions.

Nous livrons tellement de performance inquiètante a domicile qu'il est permi de continuellement douter de nos moyens....surtout avec les séries qui approche.  Gagner à domicile c'est tellement important pour la confiance de l'équipe et de ses partisans.  La dernière chose que tu veux vivre c'est que tes partisans ne croit pas en tes reste un mois et demi a la saison....pouvons-nous renverses cette vapeur!?!?!

Je termine en disant qu'apparemment que Fred Flinstone a le portefeuille assez épais pour ce procurer des freins sur sa voiture....EN TK....c'est ce qu'il me disent!!!

Keep dropping the gloves kids, it's part of the game!!!

20 commentaires:

  1. As I have said before, we have a bunch of partiers on the team. As I have said before, we play better on the road because they are not able to party. As I have said before, we lose at home because we play like we are still drunk. This is SO obvious. Groulx is correct, we WERE tired, tired due to all the partying.

    Steeves is worse than Clermont.

    The Langlois hit looked clean to me too, I had a perfect angle on it.

    I am surprized that you, and others too, would criticize the referees after there performance at the 15 second mark of the first period. As you know, once the players are set for the faceoff they are not allowed to move. And generally the referees are very strict with this. BUT, this time they allowed a shift of positions, and GUESS WHY? Further, as if this were not enough, just before the puck was dropped Drummondville decided to change a player. As you know, we have the last change at home, and referees NEVER allow this to happen, except this on time, and GUESS WHY? Then, the new Drummondville player taps one of our boys as he moves into his position. WHAT A FUCKING JOKE!!!!!

    If you are going to stage fights can you not at least make them look real?????

    The fact that the referees were complicit in this is a new level of disgrace to the game of hockey.

    You were right all along about Groulx as a GM, and as you know I have come around to your position this season. And I am fast losing confidence in him as a coach as well. Tou said earlier that Sear said he would live or die with Groulx, well DIE is what I expect. The attendance continues to suck because the gimmicks, the ceremonies, the loud music, MR. Faitdubruit and all of the gratuitous violence simply does not sell. If they would just try to sell good hockey then they might have a chance.

  2. Mr Conspiracy at it again! Pathetic!!!

  3. although I do think Stooy likes to put mustard on my slice of bread often, I'm also looking for a logical explanation has to why we stink the joint at home!!! I'll believe Stooy before the lies we are normally fed by the organisation and Le Droit!!!

    I said it often, if we get canned in the first round again this's a major job not done on building a team in the last 3 years!!!

  4. I expect us to win the championship this season, since we will have road ice advantage all throughout the playoffs. My only fear is that we move up to 8th overall.

    Leblanc, every fight in hockey games, even the legitimate ones, are conspiracies insofar as two people agree to do it before it happens.

    Of course I cannot be certain about my partying theory, though I have been saying it all year, and did so on the other forum early in the year. But as you say, what other possible explanation is there for all of these bad efforts at home? It is not as if the Hull crowds are tough on the team, quite the opposite in fact, they bloody well should have been bood out of the building many times by now, but this has not happened. It is not so much that we are losing, but the way we lose. No hard skating, no backchecking, no spirt.

  5. I agree completely that if we go out in the first round then it is a job not done. This should have been year two of a three year cycle, next year being the target year where you should be able to trade up and go for it. BUT, let us say we do win a playoff round by upsetting somebody (due to road ice advantage), does this mean suddenly that we had a good year? Not in my opinion. Can we expect next season to be a go for it year, the normal third year of the cycle? I doubt it. It seems to me that Groulx with his incompetent managing has blown a year, and indeed probably a complete cycle. For how can we target two years from now when most of our good players will be 20? As you know, the target year is when your best boys are 19.

    I would love to be able to start referring to Groulx as Jehovah again, but something tells me that it will not be happening any time soon.

  6. I think that considering the fact that we didn't have a bona fide number 1 goalie for half the season, some players underachieving for a while (Hyka, Chapman and Regimbald come to mind) and injuries, we are having an "OK" season (maybe a 5 out of 10). If Steeves would have been here from the start, it is safe to expect at least 5 more wins, putting us in the top 10 teams. Also, although he had a slow start, not having Dube (or not being able to trade him because of his illness) also hurt us.

    I think this, along with sloppy defense is what hurt our team the most.

  7. I do not disagree with you OlympiquesFan, but I will once again remind readers of the old coaching addage:

    You can excuse a lack of talent but not a lack of effort.

  8. Groulx shot himself in the foot and he has been for years by having no clue on how to manage goalies and teams effective has a GM. If he would of started looking for goalies when he had cry baby boy Clermont and Super wildman Lacerte 2 years ago, we could of avoided the horrible start of this season!!!

    Add to that his trade down with chicoutimi was beyond awful which didn't help for our first half this season!!! The Dubé move was another expensive move that didn't result in anything!!!

    Like I said many many many times, if Groulx would that good in evalutating talent, he wouldn't have to make 25 moves a year....i'm not exagerating here....this is the number of moves he made last season!!!

  9. Well, we won two games this weekend and looked pretty good in doing so. Rouyn are a good club and they generate a lot of offence. They rush the puck very well, and to my delight our boys were backchecking like hell!!! We might have lost this game 10-6 if not for this much better defensive effort.

    The team is playing better hockey FINALLY. The effort and intensity levels have picked up. Let's hope the boys keep it up all the way to the end of the season and playoffs. I doubt we can win a playoff round even with this much better play, simply because our goaltending sucks. Steeves is no good, no better than Clermont, he will not be able to get the job done when the playoffs come.

  10. Well Stooy if Steeves brings us to the finals like Clermont, I will be happy ... please try to make sense in your comments :)

  11. Clermont did not bring us to the final, he helped along the way, other players did a much bigger contribution then him...Deslauriers and Labrie come to mind!!!

    As for Steeves, when he will be needed the most, he'l play his better hockey...before he came back...we couldn't buy a we're actually good....think about that boys ;-)

  12. It is true that Clermont played his best hockey during that playoff run, after I correctly predicted that Lacerte would get the fastest hook in history. :)

    Steeves will have to play VERY well for us to win one round, and he has yet to show me that he can do it... but of course, none of us had confidence in Clermont either.

    With hot goaltending we might win a round, I hope we do because I would love to see Halifax play a couple more games.

  13. I am confident that Steeves will step up come playoff time. I also have confidence that Poirier will step up. Which will make us a hard team to eliminate.

  14. Also Bourret-Boutet if healthy will play 30 minutes a night in the playoffs and will be very hard to play against.

  15. Je voudrais seulement rappeler qu'il y a une seconde rencontre du comité de partisans prochainement. Ce serait bien, si cela vous intéresse, de vouloir consulté vos proches dans vos sections et nous rapporter les grandes lignes des leurs (ou les vôtres) suggestions. Je me ferai un devoir de les mentionner lors de notre prochaine rencontre. Merci :)

  16. I do not know what this world is coming to Leblanc, but I agree with you. Bourret has been playing MUCH better the last month or so, and Boutet is a very solid player. Poirier is certainly taking too many dumb penalties, and he only works hard some of the time. If he can learn to play smarter and harder then of course he is a tremendous talent that should produce a lot of offense. I hope you and Hull4life are correct about our goaltending, because if you are then we certainly have a shot at getting past the first round.

    But there are still a lot of ifs...

  17. In order to further amuse Leblanc, allow me to speak of another of my ridiculous opinions.

    As you suggest, Leblanc, the Olympiques could be very difficult to eliminate in the playoffs. If we keep playing the way we are now, and get good goaltending, then we will be, I am sure you will agree, MUCH better than our record. Thus, the team that has to play us in the first round will wish they were playing someone else, and their so-called "reward" for finishing higher up in the standings will in effect be terrible.

    This shows how stupid the plsyoff system is. We will be much better than our record, and some teams due to injuries or a trade down at Christmas, like we were last year, will be far worse than their record. So what is the sense of 1 playing 16, 2 paying 15 and so on? There is NO sense to this. It is not fair, and does not always offer rewards for higher finishes.

    The correct system is to say to number 1, who would you like to play? Then say to number 2, of the teams left who would you like to play... only this is fair and offers true incentive to finish high up, and only this accounts for injuries, trades up and down, and team that are better or worse than their records come playoff time.

  18. I would be for first round bye's and staying within yout division...the league says it wants to eliminate the traveling and the come up with this playoff system where anyone can play anyone....who's dumb and who's dumber here.

    Poirier will not be a playoff player has he's very easy to play against...he always does the same thing....either he skates a 100 miles an our on a straight line to try and cut to the net eventualy or he tries an "how she going" in between the legs of he defencemen while changing his speed which never works...teams in the playoffs will adjust to him really fast. Add to that he has no aggressivity...if i'm a coach playing against us in the playoffs, Poirier is a channel player who can't pass the puck...he doesn't scare me one bit!!! I'd be more concern with Boutet, Chappy and Reway if i'd be in the other team!!!

  19. I don't think teams want the bye, unless there would be some sharing of money from teams who had home games in the first round. But I do agree that staying in the division makes good sense. It would build the rivalries and cut down on travel. It would also make it easy for serious fans to go to the road games.

    I agree about Poirier. He is over-rated. Lots of physical talent, but not enough upstairs.
