Voici deux photos sur nos deux mousquetaires qui ce sont frayer un chemin comme invité a notre dernier et récent camp d'entrainement.
"I'll let you judge by yourselves who's Belding (The enforcer) and who's Boudreau (He's only 5 foot 9)...sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words....if you chose the guy to the left had being the Goon and Belding....you would be right...I wounder if there's a link with Mr. Belding in save by the bell...???
Anyways my nickname for him will be Mr. Belding for sure...or maybe just mister...that should be intimidating enough for the other team...the guy doesn't need a name...just the title MISTER!!!
After reading Gryger's 500 pages article about "NOT HOCKEY" on JFP's blog i'm going to write this blog in english...that should give a good sense of balance to the region bilingual culture and no worries folks I will be talking about hockey...i'll spare you from these kind of sentences...
GRYGER: "Chaque fois que je click pour entrer ici, j’espere un nouveau texte de
JFP et chaque fois qu’il n’y en a pas, je suis amèrement déçu, me
questionnant le coeur meutri tel Nancy Kerrigan “WHY…WHYYYY”. Pourquoi
ne suis-je pas pourvu de viande fraîche alors que mon esprit se sent
d’attaque a ce faire bombarder? Pourquoi soudainement les émotions
d’amour et de haine cherchent-elles a se disputer l’avant de la scène?"
Shoot me now...we're trying to read and talk about hockey and suddenly I'm sent back to 90's figure skating and if that wasn't enough, women's figure skating on top of that. No offence against figure skating or women, but could we be more away from the point here!?!?! The title of the article from JFP was "Le portrait complet"....meaning an article about the team full line-up...this apparently opened the door for GRYGER to talk about Nancy Kerrigan pulling a flamingo after being "tapped" on the leg with a set of keys or was it a crowbar or maybe a wrench!?!?!?! ;---)
Anyways back to our 2 boys who made the team....here's their stats for the last few years...
Brendon Belding
Deric Boudreau
Belding played for the Winchester Hawks in the Junior "B" league and Boudreau played for the Junior "A" Senators during their last seasons.
It's not a lot of information, but it gives a quick outlook about our 2 new guys...
Boudreau or Rouleau
I believe the Piques/Groulx kept Boudreau instead of Rouleau, I know that the last 2 guys on the "plank" we're Rouleau and Belding, but to me this makes absolutely no sense (much like most of Groulx's moves)...I'll explain myself....
How on God's green earth would Rouleau at 5 foot 9 and Belding at 6 foot 3 be fighting for the same position...I mean how disorganize are we has a team if we don't even know which spots to fill before the season starts. You don't start a camp without knowing which spots you have to fill....you don't change your mind about the strategy of the season either. This is where Groulx makes me want to throw fist thru walls every season. Either he takes us for fools or he's one himself!?!?!?
Boudreau and Rouleau are both small, gritty players way under 200 pounds and on the other hand Belding his a monster at 6 foot 3 215 pounds....it's obvious to anyone who has hockey sense that when Boudreau was given the notch to stay this season that Rouleau was simply staying with the team in what I call "borrowed time"....then again maybe Groulx decided at the last minute about keeping an enforcer like Belding when he realized something i repeat and repeat and repeat every stinking season...."We're to FU*&^% small again".....with or without Rouleau/Belding...we still have way to many small players.
Small Players on the team
Robert Pelletier 5'8
Alexandro Soumakis 5'5
Martin Reway 5'9 (He's barely 5'7 in real life)
Deric Boudreau 5'8
Mickael Langlois 5'9 (Def)
Anthony Cortese 5'10 (Def)
Simon Bergeron 5'9 (Goalie)
One third of our forwards are under 5'10, two of our defencemen are small (5'9 and 5'10 is not big for a D-Man) and our third string goalie is also small.....no wounder we couldn't get to the net against Saint-Jean a few years back. This is what I can't stand about Groulx, the guy said he wanted to have a bigger team in the last 2 seasons...but when he tries to get bigger he makes horrible trades like the D'aoust trade and the Clarke trade which abviously don't work at all and then what does he do....he goes back to his old routine....welcome to Long John Silver's....Shrimp Fest. The funny part about this, is the way he treats us the fans when we read ridiculous articles like the one about Belding staying instead of Rouleau because we would of been too small if we would of kept Rouleau!!!!
"What the FU$#, five small forwards is too much, but four is just good enough!??!?!! Spare me the bullshit....2 small forwards is perfect if there multi-talented like Menard, Mckim, Byron....not riff-raffs or almost unknowns that could be replaced by a bigger body's. What the hell is Belding going to do anyway's...run a muck all over everybody...i'm pounding on the guy before the bell even rings for round one, but for Christ-Sakes the guy comes from the Junior "B" league, he's not going to be able to play every game (Groulx won't dress him every game) and at age 18 he won't be able to dominate the entire stinking league or even more ridiculous protect 4 small forwards and 2 small defencemen....another case of classic Ben Groulx miss-management if you ask me!!!
The last word
I'll finish on another funny note from the JFP article, mind you i'm not laughing at JFP here and simply making remarks about what he has to write, by that I don't mean that Groulx tells him what to write, I mean that he quote's Groulx on what Groulx says and sometimes the guy says things that could make a blind man dance on a thight rope....example:
Groulx :"We will bring back Rouleau around Christmas time, if we trade a small guy before then or if one gets injured"
First thing is first....obviously one of Pelletier, Soumakis, Boudreau or Reway will get injured before then...Soumakis was injured about 3 times last season and Reway already is injured. Naturally I can't garantee that and I wouldn't either but it doesn't take a mind reader to compile the odds in the matter that one of these small guys will be injured at same point and time!!!
Second of all...why the hell didn't you trade a guy like Pelletier or Soumakis last summer, some of you guys will tell me that you didn't know Rouleau at that point and time, I'll grant you that....but you knew he was coming at the camp, you could of made some kind of hope available for him...maybe you could of at least prepare everything in advance so he could of played JAAA instead of sending him to the Junior "A" where you will have to spend more $$$ (that we don't have) to fish him out of there in December. I'll finish by saying that guys like Pelletier and Soumakis would of been worth a lot more in JULY after there first season then in DECEMBER if they stink the house until then or if they get injured....again!!!
But what do I know, right!?!?!? I can't stand this miss-management any longuer....I think I'll call Rochester just to see what they think!!! LOL
Keep on dropping the gloves kids, it's part of the game!!!
from JFP's blog
2 septembre 2012
JFP: un article sur Belding m’interesserait beaucoup. Nous avons eu plusieurs information sur Knight-Rouleau mais Belding demeure un inconnu pour plusieurs. Vue qu’il est maintenant un Olympiques, j’aimerais savoir son histoire.
@leblanc: Belding n’est pas encore un Olympique. Groulx lui a proposé quelque chose quand il a retranché Knight-Rouleau, mais Belding a soudainement embauché un agent. Belding étudie l’offre de Groulx avec son agent. S’il accepte, je vous en parlerai. C’est pour ça qu’il est toujours inconnu des lecteurs du Droit.
Pouvons-nous reprendre Rouleau sans conséquence? L'histoire me fait penser a celle de Poirier d'il y a quelques année passé, Groulx voulait qu'il joue a la police et le kid a refusé et il fut ensuite coupé!!
RépondreSupprimerabsolument que ca ressemble a cela, c'est clair que Groulx lui a proposé de dropper.
RépondreSupprimerPelletier vient de partir et Groulx le remplace avec King 6'1... Groulx vraisemblablement ne veut pas un autre petit joueur, même qu'il profite du départ de Pelletier pour se grossir. Knight-Rouleau 0 for 2 jusqu'a maintenant.