samedi 14 décembre 2013

Impasse sur la visibilité publicitaire des Olympiques

Comment pourrais-je dire que je suis surpris!?!?!  Pour ceux qui ne sont pas au courant de ce donc je parle en ce moment....allez lire le lien ci-dessous, il vous dirigera vers un article du Droit!!!

Voici un bien jolie moment, pour remettre aux Olympiques leur vrai nom...celui de HULL!!!

Je le disais et le re-disais 10 ans passé....tu ne peux pas changer le nom et les couleurs des Olympiques de HULL...ceci ne va que tuer la tradition de LA meilleur organisation du hockey junior québécois!!!  Certes, changer de couleur et changer de nom n'est pas blasphème pour toute équipe junior ou pour toute équipe sportive en général....mais nos couleurs et notre nom était associer avec le mot "succès".  Il y avait quelques de chose spéciale en Outaouais avant que Charly, nos couleurs et notre nom soit chassé de notre sang!!!

Ceci a mené tranquillement mais surement à exactement ce que j'avais prédis, un désintérêt total de la part de la population.  Les grosses têtes brillantes pensait pouvoir bénéficier du succès attribuer au nom populaire des Olympiques de Hull pour faire en sorte que le nom TOTALEMENT INCONNU A LA GRANDEUR DU QUEBEC, DE GATINEAU en profite pour ce crée une certaine notoriété forward 10 ans c'est plustot l'inverse qui est arrivé....l'horrible nom de pauvre de la ville de Gatineau a tuer celui des Olympiques de HULL!!!

Ajoutez a cela un maire popcorn (Marc Bureau), un propriétaire qui n'est plus président (Alain Sear), un niaisage constant avec le dossier du nouvel aréna (Province de Québec), des changements au fédéral (Harper), les faux fans qui vont à Guertin et qui attendre d'entendre Phil Denis dire "faite du bruit" avant de ce réveiller, les mauvaises tentative de marketer un club avec un nom inconnu après avoir carrément cracher sur son passé glorieux, le hockey qui est devenu pathétique, le prix des billets qui ne suit pas le succès de l'équipe, etc....etc....etc....personnellement, nous nous approchons de plus en plus vers la perte de notre équipe!!!

Vous m'auriez demander il y a longtemps de cela, mes réactions associer avec un départ possible de mes Olympiques pour autre cieux et j'aurais r'virer complétement fou.....mais les temps ont changé je commence justement à crissement m'en fouter!!!

That's what happen when you keep on kicking a man when he's down!!!

Les Olympiques de Hull, ont toujours eu du succès au guichet pour plusieurs raisons....en voici quelques-unes...

Les gens adorait voir un club compétitif sur la patinoire...même si je remonte au temps des Festivals ou nos équipes fesait les séries à la dernière minute, les gens avait droit à du vrai hockey...les Olympiques ce trouvait une façon de nous faire sauter de notre banc.  Ensuite les années 80's ont suivi avec l'arrivé de NOS VRAIS couleur et Charly Henry c'est occuper d'amener des championnats et des crédibilisé avec un certain Wayne Gretzky.  Nous avons ensuite remplacer Gretzky par Mark Rottenberg, un monsieur qui aimait flasher son "cash"....chose qui fonctionne lorsque tu tente de vendre un produit, le tour a fonctionner, il a obtenu le tournoi de la Coupe Mémoriale, un exploit extrémement énorme pour une petite aréna comme Guertin et une forme de notorité énorme pour une petite ville comme celle de HULL en 1997...naturellement les Olympiques sur la patinoire ce sont occuper du reste en gagnant le fameux trophée!!!

That's how you do it!!!  Mais quand je parle aux Olympiques, je passe pour un fou ou un god dam amateur qui connait rien à rien....voila un bel exemple de la gang de bozo qui nous mème à l'intérieur de cette organisation...!!!  Un des gros problèmes avec les Olympiques est le suivant...les gens qui mène notre club n'était pas présent lorsque nous avions du succès...certes ils sont capable de s'associer avec un slogan comme celui-ci...mais le comprenne t'il vraiment???

"Une tradition à maintenir, un avenir à batir"!!!

Les gens d'affaire et ceux qui travaille pour l'organisation n'était pas là lorsque la fameuse tradition c'est construit....alors comment pourrait-il en suivre l'exemple?!?!  Encore mieux, il crache sur le nom de HULL, repousse Charly Henry et ensuite il demande des étudiants qui connaisse absolument rien à notre organisation de nous décorer en bonbon d'halloween pour entrée dans notre nouvel aréna qui arrivera fesant donc posez cette question ci!!!

Savez-vous vraiment de quoi vous parlez quand dites une tradition à maintenir???

Maintenant, un avenir à batir....le deuxième volet de ce slogan arrogant et mal mené vais y répondre avec toute honnêteté....sort moi Alain Sear et Benoit Groulx de là ASAP, si tu veux une avenir possible....ça fait des osties d'années que nous tournons en rond sur la patinoire et au 2e étage et c'est deux bonhommes là en sont grandement responsable!!!

Fait pas pipi dans tes tites culottes Gryger et soit pas jaloux n'ont plus de l'attention que je porte à l'organisation aujourd'hui....ton cas n'est pas à être oublier non plus, en empoissonnant les médias sociaux avec tes poêmes anti-hockey, tu n'as pas aider la cause de promouvoir les Olympiques n'ont plus...en fait, tu l'es a transformer en guidoune et Benoit Groulx c'est occuper de leur donner des gilets en début de saison!!!

Je vais terminer en disant ceci:

When I see a spade, I call it a spade....l'expression est celle-ci...."Call a spade, a spade".....Well having said this...Call the Olympiques with there real name.....HULL!!!

Stop to try to feed us bullshit, maybe one day will eat in you're hand....tu peux pas marketer un nom que les gens ne porte pas dans leur coeur, tu peux pas dire aux gens de "feeler" ce qu'il ne "feel" pas....tu peux forcer tes faux-fans à "faire du bruit" et tu peux pas dire à tes VRAIS fans de crier "Ga-ti-neau"....tu ne fais que repousser les fans qui te font vivre pour les remplacer par ceux qui aime ce faire dire quoi faire et comment agir...en autre mot, ceux qui sont là à temps partiel et non ceux qui vivait pour le sport, le nom et l'équipe qui était les Olympiques de Hull!!!

Au match, quand les gens y sont présent ou lorsqu'il ne dorme pas....en autre mot, quand c'est le temps de vraiment le "feeler"....les gens crie "GO HULL GO" pour supporter leur favoris....10 ans après le changement de nom pour celui de GATINO, les partisans n'ont toujours pas fait l'association...

That's speaks for itself, on many levels...

Keep dropping the gloves kids, it's part of the game!!!

9 commentaires:

  1. Well said, but I think the damage is done. Of course the name should not have been changed to Gatineau, and of course it should be changed back to Hull. But, again, the damage is done. I am not convinced that changing the name back now will have any more effect than changing the colours back had. First, we need a new GM and Coach, and of course we need a new owner. I have been saying for a number of years that we are going to lose this team completely, now you are starting to agree with me! :)

  2. I don't know much about this arena situation and I don't want to change the subject but I'd like to know what you guys think Groulx will do doing the trading period. I think this team is at a crossroad between going for it or trading down for next year. Personally, I don't there are too many pieces missing right now but there will be even more missing next year. With no clear cut dominant team, Groulx might be inclined to go for it.

    Goaltending is problematic if Groulx stands pat. Steeves is at odds with the coach and, I'm hearing more and more, not being closer to home. Either way, he won't be there next year. For Brodeur, I'm certainly at odds with what the team believes but Brodeur is barely a #2 this year and cannot carry the team next year. My solution : I dump Steeves and whatever else is needed to St-Johns for Auger, a much better and consistent goalie and then hope that he can play for Groulx. The "whatever else is needed" could be very high however.

    Defense - They have 10 of them right now with up with up to 9 eligible to return next year. Problem is that Shumacker is an unknown and injured commodity who is, by all accounts, a bottom tier 20 year old in this league. Plus, they cannot contend at the end with the likes of Berube, Smith, Henry, Latulipe, C-Morin, Allard and company. These guys are mostly small, inexperienced or simply not good enough on a contending team. But since they have so many of them, my suggestion would be to package Deslauriers (or Berube), Latulipe, Smith and maybe something else for a TOP 19 year old with size who could return next year. I could also see guys like Henry or maybe Smith be sent home by January 10th so that they could play at a lower level and compete better.

    Forwards : if they go for it this year, they need to first start with what they have and finally fix it. Fix Dunn or send him packing. As much as he had a bad rap in VD, they still gave up too much for him and have not fixed him. Fix Poirier and his lazy ass or send him packing. Find out if Reway is returning. I don't think the kid has much of a choice as the Habs will strongly discourage him from staying in Europe but Groulx better make sure. Without these three onside, it's of no use even contemplating a run this year. If they are onside and can be controlled, the offense just needs a few tweaks. My suggestion : this only happens if the three are onside and Steeves goes for Auger, trade for a solid big 20 year old. A guy like nevins from PEI is not flashy but he's putting up points and is a terror to play against. I was told he chose PEI after Gatineau talked to him last year (care to guess why he chose to play so far instead of a few hours away from home?) but if traded, he won't have a choice and would certainly prefer playing on a contender with Montreal having given him a contract.

    I'm hearing that Groulx is saying publicly that he's going to be quiet at the deadline but privately that he already has a few done deals. From the game I saw Sunday, he certainly needs a few to contend.

    What are your opinions?


  3. MJ, one never knows what is going to happen in Gatineau. Certainly there is no great team in the Q this season and it would be a good year to go for it. This is our target year, based upon making the finals three years ago. our first rebuild was good, adding Poirier and some other good 17s. But last year was terrible and now we have a young, small and inexperienced defence. Groulx has had trouble building the team, no doubt because so many players quit on him, or won't come in the first place.

    I think that Groulx will go for it this season since attendance is terrible and to trade Poirier would cause a further drop. But we do not have a good enough club to go for it. So Groulx has to go for it with little chance of success and sell away the future, or admit he blew the cycle and trade Poirier and go back to the drawing board. Either way, this club is in trouble it seems to me.

    There are too many pieces missing. We don't have the necessary goaltending, and we certainly don't have the necessary size and experience on defence. I do like our bunch of 17s on defence, and maybe in two years we will be great in that position. We are close to having enough up front to go for it, but I think one more top-six forward is necessary. So, how can Groulx trade up for at least one big 19 on defence, probably two are needed possibly. And goaltending? And a forward? To me we are not good enough to go for it really.

    So, what will Groulx do? My guess is he will trade up and go for it. The intelligent thing to do would be to accept the fact that he blew a cycle and go back to the drawing board by trading Poirier.

    Are you aware of what Poirier did the other night? Not only did he stink the joint out with a complete lack of effort, but also he left the ice in the middle of his shifts, 20-30 seconds ahead of his linemates!!?? I have never seen anything like this in my life. It leads me to believe that maybe he has been told that he will be traded and not to get injured. Or, maybe he is just a lazy, disrespectful player who showed his real colours while Groulx was away? This one was hard to understand.

    Ultimately, Groulx should be fired. But I do not see this happening. I think the organization will suffer as long as he is around, and possibly as long as Sear owns the club. It is too bad.

  4. I feel here like i'm about to repeat what Stooy just said...but to answer you're question MJ, I will say this...

    Groulx is a stubborn guy, I doubt he wants to admit that he can't rebuilt in the normal amount of time he should of had...having said this, he will do the worst possible thing he can possibly do which to TWEAK up, make adjustements to his actual line up and try to make the best out of it. This would be acceptable with pretty much any team in sports, but for us it's not, and i'll tell you why...

    Simple enough, we don't know what to expect from our players, they're either all injured, unsatisfied or simply down right tired of being here....having said this, why the hell would we want to trade up...another personnal answer here....because we can't trade down since we don't know how to make trades profitable for us. I believe we are totally upside down right now...we don't know what to expect at all when we go to the guert. I believe we have now reach the point I was so afraid of reaching 10 years back.

    On the good side of things, the town and the Piques finally made a deal for the new BOB, so this means the HULL name won't come back....for now anyways ;-)

    Final answer...Groulx made trades before leaving, will here about those trades sometime late in the trade period and they're going to look like this...

    Another goalie for Steeves, nobody in they're right mind would thing this guy will step up here knowing that he wants to shows, someone who can't see this by watching him play has no clue what body language means...

    Another forward...mostlikely a top-6 forward that he's pay to much for...i'm thinking a rookie defencemen will leave plus a 2nd rounder!!!

    He may make another deal, like adding a big guy on the third or fourth line, but this won't make too much of a splash.

    It would be funny to see peoples reactions if he we're to trade Poirier, but he won't do that...personnaly, I would...for the simple reason that I don't believe at in this team winning this season, if I we're to be in Groulx's position I would not trade Poirier...because this time he would hear it big time from the fans!!! None the less the rest of the season will be very interesting to watch.

    Here's a few situation Groulx has to deal with...

    Reway wanting or not wanting to play here and his attitude.

    Dunn yapping on the ice all the time....don't get me wrong, I love this, but within a team that's built for it and that can back it up....with us, he looks ridiculous...because he's the only one doing it and showing some kind of passion without being supported by his teamates.

    Incorperating the new guys, he has problems with this all the time....

    Dealing with more recent injuries....Burke, Beauregard

    Steeves situation or the new goalie who will have to adjust to Groulx's antics...

    The young defence past Christmas and playoffs...

    Seams to me like a lot of things for a team who should be going for it...if one we're to make a positive and negative chart to go for it or don't...I believe the negative side would have more checkmarks by the end!!!

    We look like fools since Groulx left for the world junior and I believe this has nothing to do with how "good" he his...but simply because the players are saying to themselves...."thank god we have a god dam break from this guy" this I mean, they don't have to walk on eggshells for a few days...having said this, they're minds are not with hockey but at a state of peace...they don't have to care, so they choose not to!!!

  5. having said this, they're minds are not with hockey but at a state of peace...they don't have to care, so they choose not to!!!

    This scares me .... this means that the guys don't really want to play hockey.
    If they only play because they are "afraid" of Groulx .... we're in more trouble than we think.

  6. Stooy, Sunday's game was my first in about 3 weeks. I wasn't impressed from the goaltending to the soft defense. But Poirier, and to a lesser extend Dunn, were noticeably bad for different reasons. I too thought Poirier looked disinterested and effortless and slow at times. Why? Why would he play so badly at home with his coach away? Is he pissed to not have been invited for the World Juniors? He's a first rounder with an NHL career ahead of him. Come on young man. Lead your team by example. Dunn gets on my nerves. He could be so good if he played hockey with an edge but just shut up a bit. There's talent there. He can be explosive but he's so frustrating. They showed tough love to Reway early on... why not show some to Dunn and Poirier before it's too late. Dunn's off ice behaviour should be looked into before he turns into a Bourret 2.0.

    Hull4Life : in this particular year, I think Halifax and BC are a notch above everyone else. After that, there are close to 10 teams who might believe themselves to be contenders, including the Olympiques. All of these teams could be potential buyers and we all know what happens when there are too many buyers and not so many sellers at the deadline. I agree with what you say the team needs but the cost might be more than Groulx is willing to pay. If he does have a couple of deals already agreed to, that would be very smart before the bidding wars for the top players begin. However, only a stupid GM would sell off his best assets before this bidding war.

    You make a very good point "If they only play because they are "afraid" of Groulx .... we're in more trouble than we think." Not sure what to make of this...


  7. I like Dunn very much, but of course he needs to learn to keep his cool. His intensity level is exceptional and the kid has talent. He is very exciting to watch, and every time he steps out onto the ice I get a little more excited (and a little more worried about dumb penalties.)The way Poirier played last game was a disgrace, and if Dunn wants to blast him then so he should. This is the Captain's job, and I am not sure if Burke has this type of personality or not. In my view the problem with this team is not Dunn, I wish all players had his heart and desire. maybe his intensity will rub off on some of the others.

  8. I like his everything about his game but he'd be so much better if he could control himself. To me, I put some of the blame on the coach who, despite all the praise he gets of being so tough and making men out of boys, has not been able to reign him in. I always look at how all this translates to the next level...ahl and hopefully nhl... and he's going to have to tone it down. There has to be some respect for the opposition, for the refs, for the fans and ultimately for the game but this constant garbage behind the play and after whistles and constant yap yap yap takes away for his effectiveness . Why is he permitted to continue this way?


  9. @ MJ...DUNN.....that's his style, if he doesn't do this he would be a very different player, maybe this pumps him up to better himself, none the less, Groulx hasn't changed him a bit and Groulx's didn't change Brouillard's temper either as he took his things for the JAAA!!!

    "If he does have a couple of deals already agreed to, that would be very smart before the bidding wars for the top players begin. However, only a stupid GM would sell off his best assets before this bidding war."

    If the past is any indications, Groulx usually makes trade that involves draft picks, players to be named later and draft picks returning for other players to be named later and things like, if he plays the 3rd rounds becomes a 2nd know the type of deals i'm talking about. It would be fair to say that these types of trades are usually made by GM's who can't actually make a useful trade right away for what they need at this very shows to me his lack of confidence. If I can give an exemple here, we still haven't finished trading Pageau...when we sent Kielly to the Islanders we got a first pick in return for him, Kielly was originaly a draft pick from chicoutimi. These type of trades never make us any better...because we end up drafting guys that we don't really need and the carousel starts all over I said...we're sinking like a stone to the bottom of the ocean.

    I think BB is not to be forgotten....yeah they are a small bunch just like us...but they're also playing real Olympiques hockey...not this new revolution of Olympiques hockey which we're playing now days!!! They're goaltenting is very solid, they can go a few rounds just with that.

    Rimouski will come back to show some teeth late in the year, I doubt they will sell anything....look for them to be buyers and imposing in the playoffs!!!
