mardi 26 novembre 2013

Le fameux championnat dans l'air...

Je sais pas, si comme moi, vous avez la mémoire longue?!?!  Mais je me souviens d'un article que nous avions eu le "privilège" de lire quelques temps cet été.

Le fameux article parlait de nos Piques et de la possibilité de nous voir soulever la Coupe du Président au printemps prochain.  Jusqu'à date, je n'offusque personne en disant que même si ultra hâtif, le fameux article nous énumérais les éléments clés que la formation Hulloise allait aligné cette saison.  L'article m'amenait un certain pincement aux tripes pour plusieurs raisons...

La première de ses raisons était le fait que nous parlions de championnat avec une fiche de 0-0-0 en milieu d'été.  N'importe qui avec un brin de retenu et une vision raisonnable pouvait scrupter dans sa mémoire relationnelle et simplement additionner quelques faits gestes posé par l'organisation dans les années précédentes pour en venir à la conclusion qu'un moment de patience était de mise.

La deuxième de ses raisons, sans l'élaborer et la battre à coup de masse encore est du au fait que nous sommes et serons toujours une formation de taille petite.

La troisième raison et non la moindre était du au fait que nous prenions des énormes "gamble" avec deux joueurs en question.  Naturellement, j'annonce rien à personne ici en mentionnant les noms de Vincent Dunn et M-O Brouillard.  Je commencerai pas à parler de Dunn, ceci n'est pas le point de ce blogue.

Naturellement, je veux parler de Brouillard, qui vous le savez déjà par maintenant ne fait plus partie de l'équipe.

Je suis un "hockey purist" par ceci je prêche pour certain règlement à l'intérieur de ce sport qui occupe une grande partie de ma vie et j'aime garder l'image de construire un club d'hockey dans ma tête comme étant celle d'un repas presque parfait.  Lorsque je pense au formation des années 90 que nous avons eu le PRIVILEGE de vivre de nos propres yeux, je ne peux que me souvenir la façon dont nous avons construit ces repas...ou ces équipes, si vous préféré.

Nous construisons des équipes pour des années à venir, nous vivions avec ce que nous avions tout en faisant des ajustements en court de route pour rendre la formation meilleure à la fin de la saison.  Ceci était notre "modo", nous prêchions par ceci et nous le faisions avec succès.  La ligue nous espionnais sans jamais pouvoir nous rejoindre, nous avions toujours "un step" sur eux...nous étions comme les gentils méchants, une quantité homogène des deux hémisphères nous permettais de nous pavaner devant les caméras avec Coupe en main sans recevoir les tomates que les Morrissette s'attirait!!!

Quand je reçois des alertes comme celle que j'ai reçu aujourd'hui via mon cellulaire, mes bras tombe le long de mon corps et mes fameuses tripes bouillent.  L'alerte indiquait que M-O Brouillard prenait le chemin de la ligue JAAA car il voulait..."Avoir du fun"!!!

Je voulais parlais de mémoire relationnelle tantôt, en fouillant dans mon tiroir mémoire Hull4lifien j'ai déniché ceci...

L'organisation avait mentionné via Le Droit que les intentions de M-O Brouillard était de ce présenter à Hull avec des bonnes intentions.  Voulant donc dire que l'enfant terrible qui avait accumuler plus d'un point par match dans ces récentes saisons s'en venait ici pour être sérieux, en autre mot...GAGNER!!!  Nous avions parler au jeune homme en question avant son arrivé, voila pourquoi l'échange fut conclu....maintenant, je suis laisser avec une question et une question seulement...."What the hell happened"!?!?!

Vous me connaissez, je pose souvent des questions en sachant la réponse d'avance...dois-je le dire une millième fois???  Ummm, j'ai pas besoin....quelqu'un sur le forum des Piques l'a déjà écrit, le numéro #71 ne s'entendait pas avec Groulx!!! 

J'avais via ce blogue identifié deux éléments depuis le début de la saison qui m'indiquait que les commentaires de l'été était déjà entrain de ressembler à des paroles en l'air.  Le premier était la suspension hâtive que Brouillard avait reçu en début de saison, je me disais à ce moment la que son comportement n'avait pas changer à la première vue.  Le deuxième, plus flagrant, était lorsqu'il savait blessé durant un combat à Guertin, combat qui avait eu lieu car nous avions pas les gros bonhommes pour défendre notre peau convenablement...Brouillard avait donc lâcher les gants pour ensuite subir une blessure durant l'altercation.

Lors de son retour au jeu, Brouillard, tout en étant quand même pas un mauvais joueur d'hockey ne semblait pas remplir le rôle d'un VRAI joueur de 20 ans, certes il était plus utile que Tardif-Richard car Brouillard a une certaine fougue que Tardif-Richard n'a pas...mais il me donnait un gout amer la plupart du temps.

Personnellement, un joueur de 20 ans doit montrer l'exemple à chaque soir, Brouillard ne "feelait" pas comme un Olympique et aujourd'hui nous en avons la preuve...encore une fois, nous avons obtenu les services d'un joueur qui n'a pas amener ce qu'il devenait amener à la table.  Un autre échange qui nous fait que tourner en rond.

Soumakis et Chapman ne casse pas de record à Bathurst, j'en suis au courant, mais ceci n'empêche pas le fait que nous voyons encore une autre fois un joueur de talent nous déserter pour une raison beaucoup trop familière!!!

En résumé, les Piques et Groulx devront ce dénicher un autre joueur de 20 ans, ceci n'est pas la fin du monde car personnellement j'aurais remplacer Tardif-Richard par ce même joueur...le hic dans tout cela, nous venons de nous affaiblir durant un temps de la saison ou si sérieux nous le sommes vraiment, nous devrions entrain de faire le contraire.  Résultat, nous devrons faire quelques "moves" de plus et ceci comme vous me connaissez très bien, ne fait que me faire frissonner.

Ont ne peut que dire bonne chance au missionnaire M-O missionnaire vous dites!!??  Yap, dernier retour dans le passé via ma mémoire, Brouillard et Dunn avait dit qu'il débarquait à HULL avec la mission de gagner la Coupe du Président cette saison!!!

"What the hell happened"?!?!

Keep dropping the gloves kids, it's part of the game!!!

22 commentaires:

  1. Brouillard was not an effective and acceptable 20, I agree. Nor is Tardiff-Richard for that matter. We need to replace Brouillard with a 20 on defence. Someone big who cannot be pushed around. I would not be unhappy to see Tardiff-Richard let go and replaced by another big 20 on defence. Unless we beef up there is not way we can go deep in the playoffs.

  2. Brouillard leaving now might actually be a blessing in disguise as they may (if competent), address a bigger problem on the back end (no size and no offensive talent). The bigger question is : why did they trade for a head case player and expect a head case coach to be able to turn this head case player around? Why did a package consisting of Chapman, Soumakis and picks not able to get them a 20 year old with some size, skills, brains and a heart - a real Olympian as the faithful keep saying.

    By the way, I've always liked Chapman - some size, some skill, some toughness - always willing to protect his teammates and just dim enough that Groulx's venom would slide off of him moreso than others.

    Think of this - would a team like Halifax trade for a head case like Brouillard? would the Olympiques of the pre-Sear days have traded for him?


    ps - Good blog hull4life... lets see how the spinsters spin this one!

    pss - I have some pretty decent scouting reports on some of the team's prospects and former players if that is of interest to you.

  3. MJ, I think Halifax learned a lesson back when the sold the farm to get Brad Marchand for the playoff run. We knocked them off four straight in the semis, with Giroux and Byron leading the way. In game three, after acting like a moron, Marchand was benched. He watched the last game from upstairs. Halifax were terrible for a few years, but then... WOW!!!!!

  4. Yeah go ahead with the scouting's definitly of interest to me!!!

    "By the way, I've always liked Chapman - some size, some skill, some toughness - always willing to protect his teammates and just dim enough that Groulx's venom would slide off of him moreso than others.

    Think of this - would a team like Halifax trade for a head case like Brouillard? would the Olympiques of the pre-Sear days have traded for him?"

    This was exactly the reason and the purpose of this most recent blog from me...I mentionned it at the draft when we made these trades and everyone in the free world was ready once again to preach Groulx's prayers!!!

    Back in the days this organisation use to make smart moves that made them look even smarter, now days instead of investing in the smart players, those making smart moves, we try to cut corners and save a few dimes by acquiring problem players who could amont to the same level of talent to our past smart moves but we all know how this story ends, it ends with the player leaving elsewhere for future endeavors with the usual comment of...he didn't get along with the bench boss!!!

    And that's why I don't care when we win hockey games right now, because a little birdie told me about 10 years ago how it will end...

  5. Hull4life, when you say "that's why i don't care when we win hockey games right now", I know what you mean. I find it more difficult to be enthusiastic about the team than it should be. I used to live and die with the Toronto Marlies, the London Knights, the Guelph Platers... but les Olympiques have become a joke. I still root for them, of course, I still want them to succeed, but with a dunce like Groulx behind the bench, there are times when I almost wish they would fail so that he is shown to be the failed human that he really is. More and more people are realizing it for sure, but the only opinion with the power to dump Groulx seems determined to be as bad an owner as Groulx is a coach. I have already said that if it were not for Guertin I would be back to the 67s next season. The arena, for me, is a very important part of enjoying a hockey game.

  6. Stooy44, it's too bad the 67s are also struggling. It's a different kind of struggle - they don't have the players to contend right now and it's more of a patch job of players and coaches. The Olympiques, on the other hand, have enough top end players to make a run this year once they add a few defensemen and if they avoid injuries to key players. The wildcard is the coach and his antics. Heard directly from a player a few days ago, "I fuc..... hate it here." When I asked, "Groulx?" - his reply, "he's fuc.... nuts". The player also complained about "Primadonas", players who can do no wrong in Groulx's eyes or who tear up if Groulx raises his voice at them.

    Hull4Life : I remember the draft quite well and only had to chuckle and shake my head in disbelief when I read about the acquisitions of Brouillard and Dunn, two of the most selfish and disobedient players around. I couldn't believe Groulx actually came out publically and said that he had supper with Brouillard and all was well. He must have been the only coach in the Q that believed Brouillard would play for him. It was over-payment because no one else wanted Brouillard and his attitude. There were other twenty year olds to be traded for. But the bigger question - did they want to be traded to Gatineau and spend their final year playing for a dictator? I was also taken aback at the draft by their wheeling and dealings of first round picks. They had three and came out of it with two - two smalls forwards. They could have had solid big defensemen like Brisebois, Bell and Meloche - much better than these two small forwards and much better than Smith and especially Henry. I know of two players who, through their agent, told the Olympiques not to even consider drafting them. Maybe more did just that.


  7. Thanks MJ, your comments are very much appreciated. Sometimes Groulx's teams just fold up and refuse to play for the guy. It happened big time in 2007 when we went out in the first round to Rouyn. My now departed dad was with me that year, and he said quite plainly, "the kids won't play for this guy, they are trying to show him up" Hull4life and I sat together in Drummondville a few years ago in the playoffs and watched the team throw two games with a complete lack of effort. I guess it depends upon the character of the kids on any given team. Some say to hell with it and give up and try to show up the coach, others show a more professional pride and do their best despite the coach. With les Olympiques it is always difficult to determine which type of team we have, and what effort we might get on any given night.

  8. Some limited scouting reports - my observations as well as others from people in the know. I haven't seen enough midget games, especially in Quebec, to post anything of value here.

    Curtis Scales - JrA - he's 16 and plays like a timid 16 year old. Not much ice even on a bad team. Some limited skills and decent size but he's a long shot to play in Gatineau.
    Max Robitaille - JrA - interesting fiesty player but very small. Tries to play bigger than he is. Decent skills. Could, if he develops, interest US colleges.
    Benjamin Bohémier - JrAAA - saw him play twice and wasn't impressed at all both times even though he scored. Selfish player who seems to have a chip on his shoulder. Big mistake taking this kid in the second round. I believe there is a relationship between the dad and Groulx and that explains this bad choice.
    Philip Sardinha - multiple viewings - decent depth player on a pretty good Granby team. Will not make the Q however, for Gatineau anyways.
    Alexandre Bolduc - not bad at all but he's small. Decent skills and plays a strong game in his zone. Moves the puck well. He's not a Q caliber player for sure but he's comparable to a Jared Henry type D.

    Former players not in the Q
    Brandon Belding - OHL - will never be a sniper but he's improved his skating and is a good 4th line player with some toughness and pretty decent on the penalty kill.
    Chris King - JrA - kid must be kicking himself that he wasted his college eligibility for 10 games or so and 50 minutes of ice for Groulx and his promises. Has good size and decent skills. Plays quite a bit for a good Ottawa team. Should use his size more.
    Olivier Rouleau - saw him play twice and he had 5 or 6 points. Probably the bast player on the ice for those games although, as are some JrAAA games in Quebec, it was more like shinny hockey and that suits him perfectly. Kid was cocky and a showboat.
    Stephen Johnston - is now a worst hockey player than he was last year. Must still be sour about his bad experience with Groulx. Still a good skater with good skills but the timing is off and he has struggled in my opinion.

    to be continued


  9. I was in Southern Ontario late last month for the Jr A Canada East Selection Camp. It was very good hockey and I got to see three recent former players in action who had been invited to participate.
    Jordan Kennedy - Very hard worker, good but not great at everything. Lacking in size and a bit in initial acceleration. I'm surprised a team like St John or Moncton didn't pick him up for their 3rd or 4th line. Or maybe the kid is done with the Q.
    Deric Boudreau - Did not impress me. Too small with decent skills. No real redeeming qualities that come out at that camp. Did have a very good start in Jr A for Ottawa but seems to have fizzled out a bit.
    Jonthan Lavigne - scored on a big one timer. Was quite physical and is a big presence on the blue. Better skills than I remembered and very good vision with the puck. Sometimes overcommits on D and wants to do too much. Surely regrets wasting his NCAA eligibility for the few shifts he got last year.

    I sat with Para and 5 or 6 NHL scouts who attended the camp. At this point, they take notes and basically decide who they will follow for the rest of the year and who they simply drop from their list. Unfortunately for Boudreau and Kennedy, they were not on anybody's list (even before this camp). Lavigne was on most lists as a "will follow" the rest of the year. One name that stood out on all lists was Guevremont who played with the Sags last year and is now playing JrAAA. He impressed me as well as others in attendance. There's usually quite a few Ontario Jr A players drafted in the NHL but I don't recall the last Quebec Jr AAA player to be NHL drafted. It's a long shot for Guevremont who should finish the year in the Q.

    Most of my notes are a lot more detailed and technical but that usually not very interesting to most.


    I asked them which Olympiques players were on their radar. Scouts talk crap all the time in front of each other and don't always want to divulge who they are interested in but they all said that Karabacek would go depending on how he progresses. At that point, he was the only one they talked about.


  10. Karabacek is an excellent hockey player. Fast, seems tough enough, good scoring touch, can make plays and has some size. Willing to backcheck and bang around some in the corners.

  11. Ce commentaire a été supprimé par l'auteur.

  12. Deric Boudreau: As for him, I believed he deserved to play in the playoffs last season, especially against a smart halifax team who was killing us in the second round. Past Olympiques teams never got swept and rarely get eliminated at home...but this his a common thing now days. Anyways, as for Boudreau, I consider him smart on the ice...yeah again too small and nothing really special about the guy...but I found that he could bring an easy game to the table and his has a bit of nack around the net, gets in position well when he can avoid traffic. He can play a solid checking game, but that's his skillset.

    Jordan Kennedy: He has something most teams love....SPEED, the kid can play hockey...but he way way way to light on his skates, it looks like he's not touching the ice at times. Remember Christian Dubé, well exactly like that, only difference, Dubé knew where to go on the ice with his skating abilities...Kennedy looks like a horse trying to find his stable. In all the players we named, he's the only one who could actually have an offence role in a Q team right now, it would on a second line for a sub-par team, but what the heck, he'd be there. A 10 to 15 goal season could be plausible. He can't hit at all, but I remember him having a good one timer, like I said, he can play the game...but his flaws are unturnable!!!

  13. Thanks for the information MJ, I wish I had a job around a hockey team, because your comments about the players you just talked about are pretty much the same opinion I have about them, anyways for the ones that I saw play in HULL or on TV. Unfortunetly I don't have much time to catch hockey games lives in the JAAA and MAAA level, so if the kid didn't play with HULL in the last few seasons or tryed out at camp...there's a good chance I don't know much about him.

    i'll comment on the players I saw with my owns eyes...

    Curtis Scales: I saw him at camp, the way the offence is shapping up in Hull, right now, I don't see this kid ever making it with us. He's small, off course like all the others and did not impress me more then that, he seemed to be going thru the motions of the camp, without leaving an impact. With his size and skills set, he needs to be very different then most others in another category, like the physical stuff for an example...nothing came out, so it's a no go.

    Benjamin Bohémier: This guy from what I heard says to the free world that he can score fifty goals anywhere he plays...then I saw him play. He has chicken legs and weak ankles with his knees almost buckling together, I didn't need to see anything else from that point on, but I did...some creativity was seen but nothing special. He could not free himself for other players, he seemed like the push-over type. Off course Groulx gave him a playoff game last year...what a waste!!

    Philip Sardinha: Too small again, I will have to write that about most players we have...he tried out at camp twice and Groulx prefered invites before him...that's an answer right there. He's probably an 18 year old player right now, so it's getting very late for him. Again, nothing special to report about him, he seemed like a guy who could logs minutes on a 4th line without making much of an impact. Maybe a good checker if used properly, having said this he would of had to make the league this year at least.

    Belding and King: These guys pretty much lived the same experience has Steven Johnston, both these guys had size and some toughness...don't be surprised they didn't stay with us!!! As of offence habilities in a Q team, I just didn't see it...king had the better skating abilities of the two thought and some hands. In a Q team, the on;y job available for Belding would of been the one of a tough guy, but he didn't come accross has a guy who wanted that role necessarely, his fights weren't great!!! Chris King scored a few goals early last season with us, but Groulx didn't give him the chance to developp.

    Steven Johnston: Well we talked quite a lot about him. I liked his skating for abig guy, but he was way too soft for me. He didn't look like he could take the beating of a 68 calendar season, he looked like skin and bones. These type of players have to be with the team from ages 17 or younger to be able to amount to something in me view...or else you end having to try to catch up for the time missed if you give him a chance at 18...groulx is not a patient you know what happens from there.

    Alain Sear told me that Johnston had a chance to come play with us LAST SEASON and he refused, is this true? He also said that he (Sear) offered to pay for a full scholarship if he had come last year, instead of just getting a 1 year scholarship from us this season!!!

    Keep in touch MJ, I was not able to go to the Guert for the last few games and the Piques didn't have much news to report, the team his winning his fair share of games and we're in the period of the year where we're waiting for change to my blog was stale a little.

    I'll pick it up soon...

    Howcome you actually had a chance to ask a question to Groulx lately?

  14. Spoken with Groulx? I haven't spoken with him in a while. I've only spoken to him in the past when he's asked for some info on a player... and it usually wasn't him who would make the inquiry.

    I probably didn't explain myself right. I spoke with a player who said "I fuc..... hate it here."

    Then I just said asked the player "Groulx?"

    And the player replied , "he's fuc.... nuts".

    I am reading this right? Sear offered Johnston a full scholarship last year? You don't mean a full US College scholarship right? Because that would cost over 100K. He probably offered him 4 years at the max that the Q pays (5K a year). This is the first I'm hearing of this and I've known the kid for two years. I have to brush up on my Q contracts because this type of "gift" is illegal and it would usually be done under the table. It could not be included in a standard player contract. I can't believe Sear would divulge this. I like Johnston as a hockey player but he's not that good that they would offer him a full ride! Hell, he didn't even last a dozen games and they basically didn't give him a chance. He's not skin and bones as you might think­. He's fairly big... just a little shy at times. He also looks better in practice and scrimmages than he does in games. He's also not a fourth line type player. He's pretty useless in that role.

    There's some really good Jr A hockey all over Ontario (not so much in Quebec). As far as entertainment, it's often times more entertaining than Q or O games. It's more physical and less structured and tends to be more wide open. It's also cheaper!

    It's nice to discuss past and present players. Most people can't tell a good player from a bad one. Most people see a D make a decent rush and think he's all that but they fail to see how weak his D zone coverage is and how many times he loses a battle. Some people just look at the stats...


  15. Yeah, I understand what you ment now MJ, I miss read...As for the Sear situation, he told me that he offered to pay his school when he asked Johnston to join us mid-way thru last season, I believe he said a 4 year scholarship or something like this, I don't know if he ment the US or here in a local college... but that's what he said.

    Speaking of some people and just looking at certain aspects of the game....I would really like you're input on these players...

    Breandon Smith, Jared Henry and Marc-Olivier Crevier-Morin

    I keep reading that people love our young defence...I mean i'm no fool, Carrier looks good...but aside from him, i'm not impress what so ever with the rest of the young guys. Certainly Beauregard as a 19 year old seams to hold himself pretty well....Bérubé and Chenier-Allard are simply logging minutes of ice time without causing us too much harm nor breaking anything special....but the other 3 are all 17 years to me when we're talking about our young defence,,,,we're talking about these 3 guys!!!

    I like Crevier-Morin if I would have to choose in between the 3, because of his size and he seams keen on talking the man within his zone. Seams to play the one on one game pretty well, good timing on body-checking the opponent. Nice shot when given the time. The other two are little the same...don't look like big guys, they both play a quiet game, first pass or passing abilities are to the Q standard...but nothing special to best the could end up being 4th defencemen but that's pushing it on a Q team!!

    Nicolas Latulippe's name was not mention as I do believe he won't be around past the holiday season, the Piques will have to go and get at least 1 great defencemen to bulk up and get more experience at the blue line or else they're dreaming if the believe they can play and win in a 7 games series against teams like BC, BB or even Rimouski!!!

  16. I'm pretty much in agreement with your assessment.

    Carrier - the kid's got great hockey sense. He's agile but not a great skater. He's a lightweight and doesn't win many physical battles but still comes out with the puck to make a smart outlet pass. Sometimes I find the kid has a horseshoe up his ass. He doesn't have a very good shot and that really hampers him and the team on the PP. Plays with a ton of confidence. He's been a Groulx favourite and can do no wrong in his eyes. This sometimes irks the other players. Touted early on as a possible first rounder in June 2015. I don't see him going that high right now because his size and lack of skills will not translate as well with the bigger NHL men. He's got Kris Letang size but none of his offensive and skating skills. I'm not sure yet.

    Beauregard - passed over in the NHL draft last year but really he only played well in the playoffs. He is a terrible skater with very limited skills. He's tall and lean and hits well. But when he's in a hitting mode, he runs around way too much and puts himself out of position. Still, he seems to be playing with much more confidence that last year. Too many times last year did I see him and Poulin break down and play with any confidence at all as the coach railed on them and sat them for long stretches. Beauregard's ceiling is the ECHL in my opinion.

    Chenier-Allard - actually has better tools than Carrier... from the neck down. Only guy on D to have a very hard shot. He's also capable of physical play but very inconsistent and not all that effective defensively. Could be traded as he's not Groulx's favourite. Will not become a pro hockey player in my opinion.

    Berube - I knew nothing about the kid when they first traded for him but was couldn't believe they gave up a 2nd for such a small D and had to laugh when Groulx openly defended this trade and anointed him as a top 4 D right away. Like Carrier, he doesn't have to go through Groulx's wrath as much and thus plays with confidence and isn't afraid to make mistakes. THERE IS NO WAY that this kid should be top 4 on a contender. Nothing really good and nothing really bad (except his size) stands out but he's playing as well as he can considering his limited talents.

    Smith - Another one who was hyped when they signed him without him having to try out. I knew nothing about the kid when he got here. He's another that really doesn't stand out but quietly does the job. He's a decent skater. He's not very skilled. He's not very tough. He's not very talented. But... he's still there playing limited minutes on the bottom pairing and doing ok.

    Crévier-Morin - simply because of his size (over 6 feet is big the Olympiques D), it makes him important. He skates as well as the other D and he's way more physical. He's adapting to the speed of the Q and improving. His hockey IQ isn't great and his offensive tools are non-existent. Even when they trade for a big shut down defenseman, I'd still keep on the 3rd pairing before Smith, Henry and Chenier Allard. I also prefer him to Berube.


  17. Henry - did not see him at all during training camp and only in two games so far where he didn't play much. From what I've seen and heard, I have no clue why they kept him. Undersized and not very skilled in any area.

    Latulipe - a poor man's version of Latulipe. Are they trying to make him into a permanent winger? If not, what a waste for the kid to remain on the team to plug holes for a few minutes a game.

    Deslauriers - when I first saw him play last year, I couldn't believe Groulx was letting him play this way. He was all over the place. He caused more 2 on 1s and 3 on 1s than anyone in the Q. He's fast though and has a strong upper body. He's also decent with his first pass when he doesn't try to go all the way. He's also undersized and seems to get frustrated because he gets overpowered and then takes stupid penalties. Too bad he's also got no shot. Could be useful on the pp if the did. Ceiling might be ECHL or CIS. I'm actually not sure how committed this kid is.

    All in all, I have to give credit as this young, undersized and really not that talented young defense group is doing pretty good, playing within their means. Only Carrier has a good shot at a pro career and, even with him, I question what that will be.


  18. Thanks MJ, great to read your comments!!

  19. Wow! By reading you guys, one would think that we have a last place team! Oh, but look at that. We have 42 points. Second in the league. Humpty Dumpty or the players must be doing something right...

  20. "Wow! By reading you guys, one would think that we have a last place team! Oh, but look at that. We have 42 points. Second in the league. Humpty Dumpty or the players must be doing something right..."

    One could think exactly what you mentionned above but if so, he would have to agree of having absolutely no hockey sense and vision and would be very limited in his basic hockey it's your call buddy!!!

    We're talking about individual players here, not the unity of all those players combined together as a team!!! Meaning that this has absolutely nothing to do with how well the team in doing in the points category!!! If your looking at stats and trying to infiltrate this conversation, you will find yourself at the wrong place...if your able to add to the descriptions of the above players, therefore joining the're welcome to do so...

    Ask M-O Brouillard what Humpty Dumpty is doing right, maybe he has a better answer then me!!!

    I'll say this much and i've been saying it before the year even started, I did expect the Olympiques to have a good season, knowing very well that they had a good base of players to hold on the cadence of a regular season...

    We had experience up front and in nets, with had on paper a top-6 that if healthy could ravage the league and I had high hopes on the kabaracek kid. Our defence scared the crap out of me though. Like MJ said, has a group there holding on pretty well....but I believe there flaws would be very easy to play against in a 7 game series! Steeves as a healthy 20 year old was going to be good enough to bring us till Christmas...and we are.

    Now let's see what the bench boss thinks on his work, will he go shopping for another goalie, if so, will that goalie be an overager to ship Steeves elsewhere, remember Brodeur is not going anywhere, so this leaves Groulx in a situation where he will have to shop Steeves around a little to see if someone might be interested.

    Don't forget that Groulx is leaving the team for the next 3 weeks, how will he react to trading a player without having see play for the last few weeks. He's going to be a busy man with his schedule with team Canada, this means he will have to deligate a very big part of his GM duties.

    Anyone want to comment on the fact that Sear will be doing our phone calls during trade period!?!?!

  21. @MJ

    I'm glad you saw flaws in Carrier...I to noticed these things about him. Something I noticed is that he falls alot on the ice, it's not rare to see him scrabbling on all fours trying to hit a puck out of harms way. I remember a comment made by Groulx..."Carrier will be big by the end of his junior career"!!! These kind of comments make me go bezerk! How the hell will he go from small to BIG within 3 to 4 years? Second of all, even if he beefs up, which he will a little but not enough since he his mostly skin and bones, he still won't play the physical game and he will still be too small to be respected size wise by an NHL team. He's a smart hockey player though, that's his upside, he understands the game and what he brings to it....which is the ability to do the right thing on the ice, keeping it simple. Like you said he doesn't have a great shot, but he knows when to take it. As a potential NHL draft pick, he won't be drafted for ay of his offensive abilities...but could be a late bloomer, none the less, it would not be a bad pick to draft him in the 3rd or 4th round.

  22. I agree Hull4life that Stevens is inconsistent, and may not have the stuff to take us deep into the playoffs. But I think Groulx has to go with him now. We need big defencemen or we will not be able to survive the playoff grind. If the team stands pat, this would be the worst thing to do. We are good this year, but not good enough unless we trade up. I would rather unload Poirier and look to next year and beyond than stand pat. Groulx being away will certainly make the situation more difficult.
