vendredi 11 octobre 2013

1 en 8 sur le PP, Reway hué...anything else!?!?!

A la force de jouer de lu violon avec nos cravates, nous allons finir par nous coupé le soufle....ou nos partisans le feront avant l'équipe elle-même, je m'explique:

Nous voilà, le lendemain d'une autre victoire, qui est devenu une défaite!!!

Avec 8 avantages numérique à domicile, tu devrais pouvoir battre à peu près n'importe qu'elle équipe toute ligue confondu....mais hélas, le résultat fut le même hier soir dans le vieux-Bob...

Let the record show that I wasn't at the game, but listened to the entire parodie on the radio and I was just fuming!!!

Voulez-vous bien me dire pourquoi que Brouillard (20 ans) drop les gants deux fois dans un match local!?!?!  Je parlais de l'importance de Kelly Bent durant le camp d'entrainement, il est bien d'avoir des options de rescousses à l'intérieur d'un club....Bent aurait pu prendre ce role hier soir, au lieu de perdre un vétéran de talent au combat!!!

Quand je vous parle d'un club débalancer, en voici  un autre bel exemple!!!  Je disais aussi que j'avais hate de voir le résultat d'une partie entre notre formation et celle des bois-francs, car ceux-ci comme vous l'avez vu hier soir, sont plus qu'imposant...avec 21 tirs au buts, j'ai de la difficulté à croire que nous avions de la facilité à ce rendre au filet adverse....ayant donc dit ceci, nous sommes trop petits pour avoir du succès contre ce genre de formation.

Si défaite à domicile et blessure ne sont pas de parfait exemple...."then what the hell is"?!?!?!  Perhaps this comment I heard on the radio from a fan during the game...???

Fan on the radio: "Réveil toi Groulx"!!!  Classic junior stuff...put it this way, it made laugh a lot more then our power-play!!!

J'aimerais connaitre l'explication derrière la chose, chose qui est de hué Reway!!! Ok ok, le kid a dit des Groulxrie dans les journaux Czech, I get it, I don't like it either...but he's not the first or last to disagree with the bench boss...if you want to "boo" someone or something...."boo" the dam organization who's loosing a game at home, against a team that we should of beaten....bad calls or not!! You would of score twice on the PP and this game would of went to OT, last time I checked we had double the chances on the PP last night, has Les Tigres only had 4 opportunities!!!

Groulx a dit dans le journal Le Droit, que Reway "trouvera le bon chemin"'s all good and dandy, but will this be with us or will "le bon chemin" be elsewhere in the league or in the world!!??  Reway was one of my concerns before the year started and there's nothing right now leading me to believe that this guy is ready to help us be a better team....Groulx is trying to break him has we speak, when he should be making him into a better "professionnal" hockey player...Reway should of been broken last season when we we're dally-dalling...not now when we're suppose to be winning something this season!!! If not breakable, this should of been identified last year and he should been traded this summer...serious organizations deal with this type of stuff all the time!!!

These 2 are going to have to get a along real fast or else this season his heading straight for the shambles!!!

Did we really give 2 first draft choices for Vincent Dunn??? How come he didn't drop the gloves last night instead of Brouillard!!!???  Granted that he should not of been called for what he said to the referee, but if Vincent's memory his good enough to say in the papers after the game that he has a history with that particular referee, how come his decision making at that very moment wasn't better!?!? I'll tell you why...because it never was in the past and right now I don't believe that he's helping our cause by getting yanked all the time or called for misconduct penalties!!!

Put the puck in the dam net Vinny or drop the bloody gloves....but for Chris-sake do something that will help us, you have been in this league for more then 2 years, your a and act like one!!!

On the positive side of things, we're winning in the face-offs category more often then anything else, I guess our problem is when we have the puck!!!  Ten shots on goal in the last 40 minutes of the game will not cut the mustard on any sandwich regardless of how small it is!!!

J'espère que nos têtes seront à la bonne place car nos 3 prochains adversaires nous attendrons de pied ferme...les Sags, Drakkar et Voltigeurs ne sont pas des sac-à-son dans cette ne sont pas les clubs les plus facile à affronter à l'intérieur de leur aréna non sera très interessant de voir la façon donc nous allons-nous comporter durant nos prochaines parties!!!

Avec une foule de 2710 spectateurs, puis-je demander qui avait des billets gratuits hier soir???

Je crois que nous devrions envoyer Hully sur la patinoire pour une séquence ou deux, il est bon pour déranger les partisans peut-être pourrait-il faire de même avec nos plus, il serait notre plus gros joueur sur la patinoire...donc une pierre deux coups!!!

En parlant de coup, d'après les commentaires des gens qui ont vu le match d'hier....personne d'entre vous a vu assez d'action pour vous en couper le souffle, peut-être qu'une partie de violon-cravate serait de mise au prochain match locale....t'en qu'à voir la même "bullcrap" à chaque soir aussi bien s'assumer!!!

Keep dropping the gloves kids, it's part of the game!!!

5 commentaires:

  1. Until Groulx leaves, for whatever reason, nothing will change. And I do not believe that any professional club is interested in him. Sadly, we may be stuck with him for a long time. The future of this entire organization is in doubt, and with attendance continuing to suck, we might lose the team completely.

  2. I'll tell you this much Stooy, if Groulx does in fact stay here for close to can count me out!!! I don't have confidence that this guy will bring us championships with the way he operates and I also don't believe that he has been the GM of this team since mid-2000!!! Then again, this organisazion has been lying to us and treating us like crap for a lot of years who cares really!!!

    When Charlettown scored the winning goal against us a few weeks back, I laughed from my bench in section you an idea, last time I saw something this funny was the last time I saw Gryger's face or read one of his posts!!!

    If you wonder how terrible this organisazion has yourself this the heck did they find a way to kill MY passion towards this team, when I use to talk about them 24/7!!!

  3. Agreed my friend. When I started coming to the games I quickly fell in love with the Hull Olympiques. The uniforms, the tradition, the arena... everything was incredible!! I attended maybe 10 games a year from the late 90s until 2006 when I decided to hell with the 67s, I am going to get season's tickets to Hull. But, sadly, as you suggest, I may just go back to the 67s next season when they return to their proper arena. Groulx may have been good earlier in his career, but his ego, his need to be a tyrant, his need to be a bully all cause him to make terrible decisions both in the office and behind the bench. It is tragic what has become of this once great and proud franchise.

  4. You can blame two people for the gradual demise of this organization. First, Alain Sear. He's knows little about hockey, less about marketing a team and zero about how to treat people. From players to parents to fans to agents to scouts to staff, most are repulsed by him soon after meeting him.

    Second, coach Groulx. He sometimes seems and acts like a spoiled child. He throws temper tantrums, he's vindictive, he's grouchy, he's pouty and he won't share. But unlike a child, he does not evolve. He doesn't learn. He's the same way as he was 10 years ago and refuses to evolve as a person and as a coach. He still believes in berating most of his players, in name calling, in mind games and in threats as a method of "pushing" players. Hockey systems and strategies have evolved since the 90s. Coach Groulx has not as evidenced by his PP. There is no innovation there. It is also evidenced by his choice of players. They are small and undisciplined and it seems they are getting smaller every year. Every NHL team is looking to get bigger. Why are they wrong while coach Groulx is right as he purposely makes his team smaller every year. The grind of 68 regular season games on a 17 year 170 pound body, and then the playoffs is much more difficult than the grind for a 6'3, 200 pounder. Then, add a best of 7 against Victo or BC in the first round? For me, coach Groulx deserves an F for his coaching methods and how he's built this team for the past few years.


  5. Well said MJ. I lost all confidence in Groulx when I saw him deliberately contribute to blowing that game against Charlottetown. The team had a bit of a let-down for sure, so a good coach would have called a time out, settled his boys down, and made line changes in an effort to save the game, which we were still winning at the time. For Groulx to leave the same tired players on the ice after the game was tied up was sickening. And he also made very fishy line changes late in that game. This is no way to coach. It is a technique that makes me sick, and the man should have been fired before he left the building after that game.
