dimanche 13 avril 2014


Le prévible est devenu...visible, les Olympiques n'était pas de taille en 2e ronde....encore une autre fois.  Je lis les commentaires des gens qui disent qu'à 5 contre 5 nous aussi bon que le Moose, c'est disuctable quand ont regarde les statistiques et que l'ont se base uniquement sur le match #3 de la série...mais en sommes, ça ne tient pas du tout!

Le Moose jouait en équipe, il avait les atouts pour nous battre, leur chimie est intraitable, leur gardien est solide, il pousse tous dans la même direction, il sont diriger par un excellent coach, supporter par une organisation qui agis avec panache...en sommes il sont UNE VRAI équipe d'hockey.  Lorsqu'ont mets tous c'est facteur ensemble ont réalise que nous avons une bonne équipe d'hockey qui peut accomplir l'impossible.  Ceci est visible à l'oeil nu du spectateur et ce même si ont les voit jouer que très peu étant donner qu'il opère dans la conférence de l'est.

Si je regarde nos Olympiques, je vois tout le contraire, nous avons pas une équipe complète, nous avons jamais remplacer Brouillard, la chimie de nos joueurs ne se sent pas...je dirais même quelle chimie? Notre gardien qui n'est pas à blamer pour notre défaite de 2e ronde n'avait quand même pas l'étoffe de ceux que l'ont alignait dans le passé, nos joueurs n'était pas uni, personnellement nous avions un groupe d'individus qui jouait en équipe quand l'adversité était quasi-nul (exemple Cap-Breton), Groulx ne fait plus la différence, notre organisation est mickey mouse depuis longtemps (chose que j'ai identifier au moins 5 ans passé), résultat nous donnons pas à nos fans UNE VRAI équipe d'hockey.  C'est malheureux car malgré le fait que c'était évident que nous allions vivre une autre élimination hative les gens ont "packeter" le vieux Bob.  Thumbs up aux partisans qui se sont présenter avec des lunettes roses aux matchs locaux pour supporter ce genre de club digne des équipes de bas fonds des années 90!

C'était une vrai honte de voir opérer notre avantage numérique, des poules pas têtes, aucune cohérence, des joueurs qui joue sur le mauvais coté, aucun tir puissant de la pointe, un ramassi de Groulxrie qui tourne en rond.  Les gens qui bouait lorsque les arbitres manquait des punitions contre Halifax devrait plus tot sortir remercier les arbitres de ne pas "caller" la punition car c'est certainement pas notre avantage numérique qui nous aurait permis de compter des buts, c'est rendu que je chiale même plus quand l'arbitre manque des punitions pour les visiteurs car je sais très bien que je vais chialer dans 2 minutes aulieu de me lever pour un but locale! Les Olympiques ont toujours eu un bon power-play, je me souviens que lorsque le club visiteur recevait un "deux minutes", je me levais de mon banc en criant au gardien adverse:

"Aaaaaaa s'ennnnnn vient...suivi du nom du gardien"....je peux pas me souvenir la dernière fois que j'ai dis cela à Guertin!!!

Les fans Hullois ont toujours eu droit, par le passé, à un club qui nous inspirait, nous allions à Guertin avec l'idée que nous allions voir la meilleur équipe junior au pays, la meilleur organisation d'hockey au monde, rare sont les fois que je sortais de Guertin déçu ou brimer d'un VRAI match d'hockey....de nos jours, des matchs comme le match #3 de la série contre Halifax sont chose très très rare. Le seul positif dans tout cela, c'est que je ne suis plus triste pendant une semaine après l'élimination de nos Piques, avant ça fesait un dur coup à mon coeur...maintenant, je le sais depuis Octobre que nous allons pas en nul part et le plus drole dans tout cela, c'est qu'ont ce trouve encore d'autre façon d'être pire à chaque saison!

Trois ans passé, après notre élimination en finale contre les Sea Dogs, Groulx avait dit qu'il voulait être aussi fort qu'eux...tenez vous bien....CETTE ANNEE!!! Permettez moi de résumé mon indifférence à ce commentaire de cette façon "HahahHAHAHAHahahaahHAHA"!!! Imaginez il visait les Sea Dogs et en bout de ligne nous avons eu LES ALPINES DE MONCTON sur la glace et au 2e étage!!! Great Job coach/GM!!!

Mackenzie Weegar et Gadoury sont des joueurs locaux que Charlie Henry aurait signer dans le bon vieux temps de NOS VRAIS Olympiques, aujourd'hui, nous retrouvons Groulx et Sear au Minnesota pour dénicher un certain Brendan Smith qui ne jouait même pas en série...j'imagine que YOUTUBE n'a rien trouvé lorsqu'ont écrivait les noms de "Weegar et Gadoury"...une vrai joke digne des clubs popcorn, quel manque de jugement d'avouer que nous "scoutions" sur youtube!

Je veux pas ouvrir une discussion sur le cas de Reway, de son compte twitter à ses nombreuses disputes à l'interne à sa dernière altercation avec Dunn à ses niaiseries sur la patinoire à diriger le traffic sur le power-play (quel power-play)...etc.....ETC...et bloody ETC!!! Mais je vais dire ceci, Hoffman devait absolument partir mais Reway non??!??!!? Please1!!! Reway a rester car il nous avait couter de l'argent, Hoffman est parti car c'était pas un "Groulx/Sear guy"!!! Notre mentalité est tellement "cheap" que nous devons prendre des mauvaises décisions d'hockey pour tenter de valider notre porte-feuille!!! C'est triste, même pour les nouveaux Piques de concevoir qu'un gars comme Reway jouait encore vendredi soir!!! Une autre des énormes preuve que les Piques devrait jouer à disney world!!!

Je viens juste de réaliser en écrivant ce blogue, car j'ai jamais été fan de lui, qu'Emile Poirier, un sniper naturel n'a surement pas du aimer son 3 ans avec nous, par le passé, nous aurions surement sauter de nos bancs à chaque occasion que celui-ci aurait embarquer sur la patinoire...flash-forward à aujourd'hui, nous avons terminer sa carrière junior en le bouant...des BOUUUU's très mal placé, si j'avait été match, j'aurais participer à BOUUUU's assurément, mais c'est l'organisation qui les mérite car il nous jamais su comment retirer le meilleur d'Emile et il n'ont jamais été capable de construire un club autour de lui, de plus il n'a jamais changer de la première minute de son camp d'entrainement 3 ans passé à vendredi soir! Il a demeuré le même bricoleur avec seulement un outil dans son coffre..."skate like a madman, cut to the net and shoot the God Dam puck"! Ce gars là n'est pas prêt pour le prochain niveau, il va le vivre assez rapidement, merci!!!

Ont poursuit et je pourrais le faire pour des heures et des heures...nous avons fait l'acquisition de Schumacher, Pépin, Stevens et Ottereyes avant les séries. D'après nos journalistes et nos têtes d'hockey l'arrivé de ces joueurs allait nous aider grandement...encore une autre fois, leur vision est lunetter de rose.  Schumacher, nouvellement batiser "la flamingo" n'a jamais aider notre power-play une miette et il a été exactement ce que je disais, un joueur de 20 ans qui agissait comme un faux-20 ans, Pépin était clairement "out of shape", lent, mou et inutile pour un club qui se disait aspirant, Stevens est un joueur de 3e trio dans ses meilleurs matchs et Ottereyes jouait même pas en série....great job folks, bring on the disapointments...again!!!

Je vais, dans les prochaines journées faire un compte rendu des joueurs, entraineurs (eh boy), GM (ahh &*%$#) et le restant de notre organisation, mais pour le moment je vais terminer en disant ceci:

"C'est une vrai honte de suivre les faits et gestes de cette équipe qui ne fait que s'enliser et perdre plume à chaque saison, les gens se sont présenter pour les séries et ils ont montré leur insatisfaction en "bouant" leur favoris en bout de ligne...du jamais vu à Guertin"!!!

Prenez note organisation des Olympiques, car des chances, ont vous en donnera pas infiniment!!! Ont veut du changement et on le veut...tout de suite"!!!!

Keep dropping the gloves kids, it's part of the game!!!

16 commentaires:

  1. Of course I agree with everything you have said. You were right all along with respect to Groulx as a GM, and I have been right all of this year with respect to Groulx as a coach. He is incompetent, and this organization will never be successful as long as he is running the show.

    I have already spoken with six season's ticket holders who will not be back next year. Imagine how many more there must be! Probably hundreds.

    What I do not understand is why I have been just about the only person on the Olympiques forum to state that Groulx is incompetent and that he needs to be fired. I have been saying it since early in the season. A few people agree that he is not a good GM, but no one else agrees with me that he should simply be sent away and told to never come back.

    I am not optimistic about the future of this once great organization. Since the 1980s I admired this great franchise from a distance. Finally, in the late 90s I started coming to games and was not disappointed. Then for the last 8 seasons I have had season's tickets. The franchise was still excellent overall for the first five years, winning in 2008 and then making the finals in the next cycle.

    But, without Charlie and with Groulx, things have completely gone for a shit. And again, sadly, I do not think enough fans are willing to speak up about it, I do not think that enough fans are willing to walk away, and I do not think that current ownership cares about winning.

    As you know, it is impossible to be "competitive" all the time. You need to have one down year in three so that you have one potential winning year in three. Groulx made his moves this season like he is content to finish in the middle of the pack every year, and win one or maybe two playoff rounds. We were not good enough this year, and as I said at the time, they should have traded Poirier and looked to the future. But Groulx, as you know, is not capable of ever admitting a mistake.

    Next year this team will be bad. It is time to start all over again, although maybe the target year can be in two years rather than three. But I have NO confidence in Groulx being able to do the job.

    I was a Toronto Maple Leaf fan when I was a kid growing up, and then I watched Harold Ballard ruin the organization. And to this day, while I am not a fan, the club still sucks year after year. The same garbage has happened in Hull/Gatineau. The only difference is that in Toronto the seats were still full.

    When this club moves to the new building, if it sucks, then once the novelty wears off even more fans will quit the team as long as the Groulx era is still going on. Then the team may have to leave town.

    I do not know what can be done when there does not seem to be enough fans who are in agreement with what you and I have been saying.

    For someone like me, the problem is simple... go back to the Ottawa 67s. But for the lifers like you, it is very sad.

    You have my honest and sincere condolences my friend.

  2. The problem with other people about still liking Groulx is that they still think that he won three championships by himself, even Groulx knows this is total bullcrap...Groulx won because he had great players and a GM that gave him all the tools to go far...add to that owners that we're willing to go the extra mile!!! People don't get that...granted that he won with Alain Sear in command in 2008, but he had Giroux, Byron and compagny...again these moves we'rent made by him or Sear...regardless of what people say (JFP and current ownership)!!!

    Don't forget Stooy, when talking to people about hockey...for every guy you'll speak to that knows and understands the game...there's at least 50 idiots who know shit about it!!! The phony forum has maybe one or 2 users that actually know what they're talking about, all the others are paper readers, blog pasters and RDS watchers!!!

  3. True.

    I would also say that Groulx is not even the same coach that he was back then. I suspect that if Charlie was back and handed him another great team, this time Groulx would blow it completely.

    I think he has gotten more tyrannical, more bullying and more arrogant over time. So, there may have been, in fact there probably was a time when he was a good coach, but he is not even that any more.

    Did you read what was being said on the Mooseheads forum. A lot of the posters there could not believe and understand why the hell Gatineau was taking so many dumb penalties and handing them the series. They all agreed and admitted that when it was 5 on 5 the play was about even. But the dumb penalties were the difference. They said things like, why can't Groulx reign in and control his boys? They said, all Halifax needs to do is play defense and wait for power plays.

    Anyway, I am still undecided about next year. Like you, I LOVE junior hockey, it is better than the NHL, it is the best hockey on the planet when it is played properly. And the Bob is the greatest.

  4. I believe go we're taking penalties because our players knew they had no chance against a team like Halifax and simply didn't believe they could go all the way. Groulx's word doesn't pass anymore, back in the days the Giroux and company understood what he was saying and Groulx had a boss that he had to look up to. Now days he the lone sailor of our ship, he abused of this power like you can't believe in the last 3 years, thus resulting in loosing total control over his veterants! What happens then? Your veterants don't play for you, this cast a shadow on the rest of the team and you end up taking lazy penalties or dumb ones...to me the penalties we're a result of players not caring about the team/coach's success!!! Again, you can point the finger directly at Groulx for making a disaster out of this year's edition!!!

    I didn't have my season tickets this season and I didn't miss them one bit, I knew we we're going to have another bad year and next year will be even worst, plus I work friday and saturdays nights, making me miss almost half the local games! Next year, i'll do the same thing I did this season...I'll find a free ticket for the games I can go to and here and there I'll chuck the 18$ at the gate...my season and playoff combined cost me a grand total of 36$ this season and I saw at least 17 games plus 2 playoffs games!!! See to the contrary of Alain Sear, I make friends of time!!!

  5. I agree with you about the penalties. The players seemed to be thinking to themselves that they just wanted to get this shit over with and move on. Especially Poirier and Reway had this attitude. With dumb penalties taken by Dunn, Sheppard and Beauregard, I think it was frustration at the fact that Poirier and Reway obviously did not give a shit. And of course all blame must ultimately fall on Groulx.

    Do you think that Sear honestly believes in Benoit Groulx? Or is he too cheap, or broke to be able to do something about it now? At minimum he needs to hire a real GM and tell Groulx he is just the coach, though my opinion is that Groulx should simply be fired, and paid off if necessary.

  6. Sear has full confidence in Groulx, he said this to me many times...of course it gets funnier and funnier has the years go by....He's also too cheap to do something about it!!! Here's the thing though, if he's fired and re-hired someone where else...I don't believe Sear would be responsable for Groulx contract...so where's the scare in fireing him???

  7. It is now being suggested that Groulx thinks he will go for it next season!!??

    This is nuts. He would have to sell the farm completely, and even that would probably not do it. Then the club would be at risk of missing the playoffs after that.

    Is this just more lies and bullshit to appease angry fans?

    It seems to me that a rebuild year is necessary. If Groulx was going to sell the farm he should have done it this year, instead of a useless tweak.

  8. Who suggested and where did you see that? He can't be serious, he has absolutely nothing in front, a back-up goalie has a number one and a defense that was not great at all when the going got tough!!!

  9. Baie-Comeau will win in 6 games against L'armada
    Halifax will barely get over VDO in 7

  10. I am waiting for your next blog on this latest fucking Groulx fiasco with Karabacek and Charlottetown, and I do hope to hear MJ weigh in on this one as well. Man this guy stinks!!!

  11. Hull4Life, Stooy, long time no talk!

    I've just been made aware of this "fiasco". Am I right in my understanding of the events leading up to this...

    1 - Groulx trades 2 first round picks and a 16 year old prospect for overweight Pepin
    2 - As is the custom with Groulx, he makes a side deal that the 2015 first round pick returns to Charlettown for Kabaracek
    3 - Groulx ignores or doesn't understand the CHL 365 day rule for trading a Euro and cannot trade Kabaracek before the Euro draft.
    4 - Groulx now (and for the past few months it seems) publicly states that there never was a trade for Kabaracek.
    5 - The Charlottetown GM basically calls him a liar for now trying to renege on this deal because of Groulx's error.
    6 - The CHL must now intervene

    If this is all true, why would the CHL try to fix it in favour of the Olympiques? They screwed up. Rules are rules. Mistakes are made with consequences.

    My take...

    1 - Kabaracek, by himself, is a much better player that Pepin. In the playoffs, I thought he was the best player for the Olympiques. At least he didn't quit on his coach as did too many other players.
    2 - Kabaracek, a first rounder and a prospect? Even if the CHL rules in favour of the Olympiques, just the fact that this is what Groulx agreed to makes him as incompetent as Mike Milbury was for Islanders.
    3 - If Kabaracek returns, I'm sure he'll love playing for Groulx, the coach that wanted to trade him for an overweight overrated player but didn't on a technicality
    4 - I can't see the CHL favouring the Olympiques here. They have developed such a terrible reputation with Sear and Groulx at the helm that I just can't see the CHL doing them a favour. Plus, Charlottetown could proceed with a legal complaint over this as a team cannot renege on a trade simply because it screwed up.

    CHL trading rules aren't very complicated. Q trading rules aren't very complicated. Groulx and Sear look like amateurs and snakes again. For those who believe Groulx can move up to the NHL (with strict rules and cap issues), think again. He's Mickey Mouse and I have so many tampering cases I could present between Groulx and Sear and players that they had no right in speaking to, no right in trying to backdoor them on their roster and no right to invite to skate with the team at practice. They have long abided only by their own rules and ignored CHL rules - it's time for them to pay for their crookedness. They are still making illegal calls and making false promises... luckily, most players, parents and advisers don't believe their bullshit. But there will always be the few, with stars in their eyes, who'll take a chance. I've spoken with too many who have been burned the last few years for believing their lies. Even after leaving the teams, months and years later, Sear and Groulx still hamper their hockey endeavours by refusing to release them or badmouthing them to other coaches and GMs. Truly pathetic. And even more pathetic considering this Karabacek fiasco. Embarrassing.


  12. Thanks MJ, I understand the situation as you do. Groulx and Sonier made the side deal, Groulx is telling lies about it now. What is not clear is whether or not Sonier was aware of the letter of the rules before they made the agreement. Maybe they both made an honest mistake, maybe Sonier knew the rules and let Groulx hang himself. It is clear Groulx did not understand the rules, and now risks having to lose Karabacek in such a way that he will only be allowed one Euro next season. This is why he is telling lies now.

  13. Hi Stooy, it is incumbent on Groulx to know this rule, not Sonier. It may be an honest mistake, but it is a stupid and incompetent mistake. If the deal was made, why should Charlottetown be penalized because of Groulx's incompetence. Maybe all these backdoor private deals that are so prevalent in the Q be illegal. You don't see so many of them in the OHL or WHL.


  14. Agreed, Groulx is incompetent, he screwed up, now he is telling lies to try to save his own ass, the deal should go through and Charlottetown should not suffer. Gatineau should pay the full price for this.

    What is astonishing is how Groulx keeps his job! Sear is clearly as incompetent as Groulx.

    1. Both are incompetent, I agree. Wait until August to see the Ontario free agents they are inviting. I don't know if you remember the Sifton kid who was there last summer. As big as he is, he's barely jr B as far as skill and especially skating. The kid scored 0 goals in fourty some games this year. I was amazed that he was invited to camp but beggars can't be choosers I guess. Right now, some of the players they are talking to, are WORSE if that's possible. I don't get it. Incompetence all around.


  15. The CHL has ruled that it will not rule. It has told the GMs to work it out between themselves.

    So, Groulx can live up to the deal and send Karabacek to Charlottetown for the draft pick and lose a Euro for a year, or he can reneg and the lose the trust and respect of all other GMs forever.

    Looks good on Groulx.
